Coconino County Community Services will begin entrepreneur classes January 5, 2016 to assist future small business owners. The Community Services Basic Business Empowerment Program is a training program to help emerging entrepreneurs start new ventures and provide growth tools for small businesses. The program is designed to assist people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or who have dreams, talents and skills.
BBE curriculum simplifies the development of the business plan process by combining LivePlan Software developed by Palo Alto Ltd. and HP LIFE e-learning created by Hewlett-Packard presented by Community Services Basic Business Empowerment (BBE) program.
The classes will cover subject areas as target markets, marketing, feasibility, funding, etc. In addition, local business owners and professionals will share their expertise on practical business experience. Business Plans are to be 80% or more completed by the end of the sessions and 100% completed within 30 days of the class ending. Your business plan will be reviewed and approved through the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). You will also have the opportunity to apply to our Individual Development Account (IDA) Program which is a match savings program that allows you to purchase capital assets for your business once your savings goal has been achieved. Applications are now being accepted. Space for the class is limited, please call for an appointment.
WHEN: Classes will be held Tuesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. starting January 5, 2016 through March 22, 2016
WHERE: Community Services Building at 2625 North King Street, Flagstaff
FEE: The fee for the class and all its benefits is $125
QUESTIONS? Contact Scott Neuman at or 928-679-7425