Business, economic development and transportation leaders are collaborating on April 20 for the first-ever Greater Flagstaff Transportation Summit, with the ultimate goal of creating a unified vision for this community’s transportation future.
The Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO), Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Transportation Authority (NAIPTA), Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) and the Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce are leading this community-wide exercise with the overarching theme that “All Modes Lead to Flagstaff.”
Flagstaff is at a proverbial crossroads and the decisions that are made today will impact transportation to, from, and within this community for years to come. The air, rail, highway and public transit systems, along with the business and economic development community, must share a common vision for what Flagstaff will look like from a transportation standpoint in the near and long term.
Highlights of the Summit will include:
- Opening remarks – Flagstaff City Councilman & FMPO Board Member Scott Overton, and Coconino County Supervisor & NAIPTA Chair Matt Ryan
- Overview of the trends and new realities in funding for transportation projects – Arizona Department of Transportation Director John Halikowski and Economist Alan Maguire.
- Flagstaff economic overview – Flagstaff Chamber President & CEO Julie Pastrick
- Interactive discussion about a shared vision – EcoNA President & CEO Rich Bowen
- A glimpse into Flagstaff’s transportation future and potential near- and long-term projects: FMPO Manager Dave Wessel and NAIPTA Planning Manager Erika Mazza
- How do we keep Flagstaff moving? What are the next steps in this process? – NAIPTA General Manager Jeff Meilbeck
The public is invited to participate in the Summit, which will be held on Friday, April 20 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the High Country Conference Center. There is no cost, but attendees must RSVP to Meg Roederer with FMPO at .