David McKee, Floodplain Inspector with the Stormwater Management Program, City of Flagstaff, is the unanimous selection of the Friends of the Rio de Flag (FoRio) to receive the first annual Tom Moody Award for committed service to the restoration of the Rio de Flag. David received three separate nominations for the many projects he has helped initiate, worked on, or supported, both as a volunteer and city employee.
David has proven to be an outstanding ambassador for the Rio, making thoughtful and professional presentations to Coconino County and City of Flagstaff elected officials and commissions. He has been instrumental in initiating invasive weed eradication at Logan’s Crossing in collaboration with FoRio and the US Forest Service, organizing the massive clean-up, channel restoration and habitat rehabilitation projects on the Picture Canyon Reach of the Rio, developing the Foxglenn Park’s Rio channel “Make a Difference Day”, and coordinating Cheshire neighborhood’s “Rio de Flag Greenway” planting and cleanup.
As the leader of the Flagstaff Area Stream Team, David recently drafted and presented a proposal to Coconino County for clean-up and initial habitat restoration of the Rio’s Wildcat Reach, immediately upstream of Picture Canyon. As a community volunteer, David has worked weekends to seal off ATV access to the Rio, built wildlife blinds, and provided direction, materials and sweat equity for two Coconino Community College erosion control projects on Rio tributaries.
David is also a talented graphic designer, creating logos for both Friends of the Rio and Picture Canyon Working Group.
David’s award commemorates Tom Moody, who was the co-founder and co-owner of Flagstaff’s Natural Channel Design. Tom was lost to our community in 2009 in a plane crash. His work in stream rehabilitation, stream channel restoration and community planning inspired Friends of the Rio de Flag to honor community members working in, volunteering for, and directing efforts in the fields Tom chose for his life’s work. FoRio is proud to announce this first award in Tom’s memory.
Friends of the Rio de Flag is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Rio de Flag’s natural stream system as a unique and valuable natural resource, an asset, and amenity to the City of Flagstaff, AZ and the surrounding community.
For more information, please contact John Grahame at deflagrio@gmail.com or by phone at 928-221-1927. For more information on the Friends of the Rio de Flag, please visit friendsoftheriodeflag.org