I know that this is an uncertain time. Schools are closed for the rest of the year and many of us are working from home. I want to stress that the best thing we can do is what we usually do, wash our hands, keep calm and don’t panic. If you feel sick, stay at home and rest. Check in on others who are struggling, and look out for one another. The way we weather this is together, so please take precautions to protect the most vulnerable among us. Doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, police officers – they are on the front lines of this and need us to stay home.
I know that this is scary. None of us have seen anything like this, we don’t know how many will get sick, what this means for the economy, what life will look like after or when that will be. Fear and anxiety are completely appropriate feelings. If you feel that way, I want you to know that you are not alone; even if I cannot run into you on the street right now or meet you for lunch, we are still all in this together.
As a community, we have faced uncertainty and hardship before. We have always come together to help one another. Please know that I am committed to doing everything I can do as the mayor of Flagstaff, and a lifelong member of this beloved community. I will advocate for measures to keep us safe, and I will fight for the resources we will need to recover.
This is especially hard on our beloved local businesses and employees. These are people and institutions that are very much at the center of what makes Flagstaff such a special place. They will need our support, and I know we will all do our best to help each other through this. We have a wonderful, loving community and I have faith in our ability to come together. It is times like this that we need to reaffirm our faith in God and in each other, and remember that the important thing is to love thy neighbor. I love you Flagstaff, you are all my neighbor, and we will get through this. FBN
Coral Evans is the mayor of Flagstaff.