What steps do you need to take to help you move toward your health outcomes?
It is a new year, 2025, and the holidays have concluded. Many people set New Year’s resolutions and never stick with them. Either they make resolutions that are too lofty to accomplish, they may not know how to do the things they want to accomplish, or they lack the steps to hold themselves accountable to reach their goals.
An easy way to be successful is to not set resolutions but set healthy outcomes. The difference is setting resolutions lacks action steps or direction on how to achieve your goals. Setting outcomes with clear intentions and purpose requires action steps to help you reach your health outcomes. The key to being successful is to hold yourself accountable for achieving them.
- Some questions you can ask yourself when setting health outcomes are:
- What do you desire to change and improve about your health (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually)?
- What is optimal health to you? What does it feel like and look like? What steps do you need to take to help you move toward your health outcomes? Do you lack self-accountability or feel you can hold yourself accountable? What is blocking or stopping you from achieving optimal health?
Here are five easy steps to reach your health outcomes for 2025.
- First, identify what you want to accomplish. Get very clear about what it is that you desire to improve or change. Get health checkups, yearly exams or labs done to see what your baseline is now. It may also help you to identify what areas of your health need improvement.
- Then list the steps that are required to help you reach your desired outcomes. These are the activities that you would be required to do to make progress toward reaching your outcomes. If you need assistance with this, find providers that can help you optimize your health, manage your health outcomes and give you support and guidance along the way.
- Take focused, consistent action and do the steps, no matter how big or small. Consistency is key. Don’t get overwhelmed by pushing yourself to do too much too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race in some cases.
- Monitor your progress and check in with yourself to see the benefits of your actions by creating a seven-day, 30-day and 90-day outcomes sheet. These check-ins help you to see how you are making progress and to keep you on track.
- Celebrate your progress and reward yourself. Focusing on progress is the best way to reach your outcome. Be sure to celebrate your wins – big or small.
Think of one thing you can do today to make progress toward the outcome that you desire. Set a time in your calendar each week to review the past week and check to see how you can make the next week better. Reward yourself for your accomplishments and celebrate.
If you find it difficult to hold yourself accountable, find a friend, family member, personal trainer, physician or colleague who can hold you accountable for achieving your health outcomes. FBN
By Christina Kovalik
Dr. Christina Kovalik NMD, LAc, The Vitality Doctor, is a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist specializing in hormone optimization, optimal health and vitality. She is a new Flagstaff resident, practicing since 2004, and opened her second location in Doney Park in 2020. For more information, visit thevitalitydoctor.com or call 928-863-6086.
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