We know that most pet owners look forward to having fun outside with their pets, but sometimes pets want to have a little fun of their own! Every year, thousands of pets escape the safety of their yards and human companions and take themselves for a walk. The thought of a lost pet can be devastating. Luckily, we supply Home-Again microchips, which provide a way to have your pet returned to you. All shelters and veterinary clinics have microchip readers that can help to identify your lost pet.
What is the Home-Again Microchip?
The microchip is a tiny computer chip that has an identification number programmed into it and is encapsulated within a bio-compatible material. The whole device is small enough to fit inside a hypodermic needle and can be simply injected under the skin of our pets, where it will stay for the life of the animal. This provides a permanent, positive identification, which cannot be lost, altered or intentionally removed. It’s a safe, simple and inexpensive way to help protect your pet against loss or theft.
The computer memory in the Home-Again Microchip contains a unique number; no two animals will ever have the same number. The Home-Again identification number is 15 digits long, which, unlike other some microchip brands, is acceptable for international travel. A radio signal is used to read this number through the skin of your pet. In addition to the number, the microchip generates a reliability check to guarantee that your pet’s identifying number is read accurately. This all takes place in less than 40 milliseconds.
Once injected under the skin of your pet, the Home-Again Microchip becomes encased by a thin layer of protein, which anchors it in place for the rest of the life of your pet. It does not pass through or out of the body. The microchip itself has no power supply to replace or moving parts to wear down. Therefore, it can be expected to last for decades, well beyond the lifespan of most pets.
My pets never leave my yard. Why should they be identified with a Home-Again Microchip?
It only takes one time for the mail carrier, gardener, meter reader, neighbor or friend to leave the gate open or the door ajar. Unaltered pets in particular have a desire to roam. Pet theft is also a daily occurrence. Well-behaved pets are sold for research. Animals such as purebreds, birds and exotics are valuable and are stolen for resale. Even horses are frequently stolen and sold for slaughter. Most shelters destroy the majority of pets they impound. They are destroyed only because they are not identified.
Does the procedure hurt my pet?
Your pets may feel a slight pinch when the microchip is implanted, but it is very similar to giving vaccines. Most pets don’t have any reaction to the implant. The microchip is encapsulated in a specially formulated bio-compatible material created specifically for this kind of application. Your pet will not even need to be sedated.
How much does it cost?
Westside Veterinary Clinic will implant a microchip for only $50.50. Our fee includes a free registration with Home-Again. This is a huge savings, as some clinics will charge a fee to implant the microchip, and the owner must then also pay a registration fee. The registration fees with Home-Again can range from $18.50 to $50.
If my pet is found, how does the shelter know to contact me?
When shelter staff members find a pet with a microchip, they will call Home-Again. If the pet is registered with Home-Again’s recovery network, the shelter will be given the owner’s name. If the pet is not registered, the name of the veterinarian who injected the microchip will be given. We will then contact you and help you retrieve your pet.
Please contact our office and ask the staff for more information if you have any questions or would like to make your pet identifiable. FBN
By Dr. Jenny Siess