Why should Flagstaff residents support the bond issue for a Municipal Court? There are many reasons to vote ‘YES’ on Proposition 412 on November 8, 2016.
Cost effectiveness: Prop 412 will enable the City and County to create a joint facility on the site of the vacant, old jail in downtown Flagstaff. By sharing resources, creating new efficiencies, and using a site that is currently vacant, the long-term cost savings will benefit our entire community.
Adding downtown parking: The current plan includes a nearby parking garage. Parking availability in and around downtown has been a challenge for many years. Providing additional spaces for convenient juror and employee parking will also create additional parking options for locals, visitors, and people doing business downtown.
No new tax required: This project would not require additional taxes on residents. Rather, it would extend the current secondary property tax, meaning the extension would keep the rate at the current level. It’s not a tax increase.
Not wasting tax dollars: The existing Municipal Court building is 85 years old and is in disrepair. Improvements necessary to make it structurally sound and able to handle basic operations would cost millions of dollars over many years. Basically, it’s a money-pit where tax-payers would be throwing good money after bad.
A shared courthouse and parking facility will provide value and benefit for the Flagstaff community. We will be voting YES and encourage you to vote YES on Prop 412 as well.
Terry Madeksza, Executive Director, Flagstaff Downtown Business Alliance
John Vanlandingham
Lou Diesel
Maury Herman
Sherra Lyon
Mark Lamberson
Tim Kinney
Bill Morrison
Patrice Horstman
Karen Kinne-Herman
Dave Stilley
Henry Taylor
David Stephens