Hello, Northern Arizona! I hope your year and your decade are off to a great start! Here at the city we’re getting ready to work on our annual budget. It might be the most important thing we do as a council. Collectively, over days and weeks, we decide where to spend your tax dollars in order to keep Flagstaff running. Regardless of what happens on the national stage, a city has to operate, firefighters and police need to be available, roads need to be cleared, the landfill needs to be … [Read more...] about How a City Budget Reflects the Community’s Values
Governor Signing State Budget
“Today, I proudly signed into law a conservative and comprehensive budget plan that adds real resources to our State’s most critical programs, while setting aside dollars for the fiscal challenges that lay ahead. I applaud and commend legislators of both chambers who worked with me in good faith to make this possible. “It is worth remembering how far we’ve come together. When I took office in January 2009, the State of Arizona faced an estimated budget deficit of nearly $3.5 billion … [Read more...] about Governor Signing State Budget
Bonds and Bankruptcy in Northern Arizona
Who knew cities could go bankrupt? These days, we understand the possibility too well. Like corporations and people, cities can find themselves in court renegotiating debt. In the past year, cities in states from California to Rhode Island have either filed for bankruptcy or are considering it. Like the United States government, the debt dilemma concerns raising revenues (usually taxes) or reducing expenditures (usually on city services). How do cities spell relief? Are cities in Northern … [Read more...] about Bonds and Bankruptcy in Northern Arizona
Flagstaff’s S&P and Moody’s Ratings High
The City has received ratings of AA/Aa2 from Standard and Poor's and Moody's Investors Service, respectively, on the general obligation bonds the City will issue in several weeks.. These ratings are the second-highest category available, one category lower than “AAA/Aaa” and are reflective of the City’s strong financial position, particularly in today's economic environment. These are the same ratings the City has held for the past three years. Both agencies site the City’s strong reserve … [Read more...] about Flagstaff’s S&P and Moody’s Ratings High
Choosing the Best Bidding Option for Your Project
In previous articles, we’ve discussed building contractor selection. Part of this process is determining what type of contract you want. Projects generally fall into two categories: negotiated bid and competitive bid. Both new construction and remodeling present challenges because owners are often unsure of exactly what is involved in relation to the associated costs. If they take their “wish list” to an architect or designer, the result may cost more than their budget, which could require … [Read more...] about Choosing the Best Bidding Option for Your Project
Ticket Prices Rising for FSO and NAU Skydome
Ticket prices to events in the Skydome and Flagstaff Symphony concerts in Ardrey Auditorium will increase by $2 this year and another $2 next year, Northern Arizona University has announced. NAU students attending Lumberjack athletic events at the Skydome and elsewhere on campus will continue to have free admission. They also will continue to receive free or discounted admission to NAU-sponsored cultural events at Ardrey and other on-campus locations. Jennus Burton, NAU vice president for … [Read more...] about Ticket Prices Rising for FSO and NAU Skydome
Tax Increase Largely Offset by Valuations Drop
The Coconino County Board of Supervisors has been meeting with county departments and has a preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The supervisors are scheduled to preliminary adopt the budget on June 14, 2011, in a public meeting. Final adoption will occur on July 12, 2011, with the final tax rates set on August 9, 2011. Even with a proposed increase in the Flood Control District tax, Coconino County will remain in the lowest one third of counties statewide based on primary … [Read more...] about Tax Increase Largely Offset by Valuations Drop
City Proposing Property Tax Increases
In compliance with section 42-17107, Arizona Revised statutes, the City of Flagstaff is notifying its property taxpayers of City of Flagstaff’s intention to raise its primary property taxes over last year’s level. The City of Flagstaff is proposing an increase of $105,380 or 2.0%. The proposed tax increase will cause City of Flagstaff’s primary property taxes on an $100,000 home to increase from $67.81 (total taxes that would be owed without the proposed tax increase) to $69.17 (total … [Read more...] about City Proposing Property Tax Increases
Marking Anniversary of Prop 100 Passage
Governor Jan Brewer issued this statement on the temporary one-cent sales tax. “It was one year ago today that Arizona voters made an important statement, agreeing to a temporary tax increase in order to fend off more drastic cuts to critical state services. I had fought for this measure, Proposition 100, despite having never voted to raise taxes in my entire career – not once in 28 years of public service. “But I knew Arizona faced an extraordinary fiscal challenge. If we were to preserve … [Read more...] about Marking Anniversary of Prop 100 Passage
Andy Tobin Named Speaker of the House
Andy Tobin, R. Paulden, is the new Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives. FBN caught up with Mr. Tobin to talk about his appointment and the year ahead for Arizona businesses. “I am truly honored to have the support of the members of the House of Representatives as we continue to address some of the most difficult challenges Arizona has ever faced. To do that we intend to stay on the winning path Kirk Adams set this last session. The voters sent us here to make Arizona a better … [Read more...] about Andy Tobin Named Speaker of the House