Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years and is still used today in hospitals and clinics there. It was brought to the U.S. in the 70s and has spread across the country as alternative therapy for various health aliments from pain, immune system boosting, fertility, hot flashes, … [Read more...] about Exploring the Benefits of Acupuncture for Overall Health
Christina Kovalik NMD
How Belly Fat Leads to Inflammation, Disease, Hormone Issues
Obesity is continually on the rise in the United States since the 1990s because of food packaging, lifestyle choices and changes in the food pyramid recommendations of eating a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Food packaging got in on the low-fat bandwagon and would add more sugar, grains, processed … [Read more...] about How Belly Fat Leads to Inflammation, Disease, Hormone Issues
Natural Treatments May Shorten Duration of Colds, Flu, Viruses
Cold and flu season is here. Many people are getting sick more often this year, despite normal measures of washing hands and sanitizing. Although those efforts can prevent illness for those diligent and consistent with the habit, some people require natural ways to boost their immunity through cold … [Read more...] about Natural Treatments May Shorten Duration of Colds, Flu, Viruses
Treating Hot Flashes, Night Sweats
Most women experience hot flashes (vasomotor symptoms) during perimenopause, but they can happen at any stage in a woman’s life. Hot flashes can be normal during lactation, after childbirth, and during perimenopause and menopause. They can happen consistently for a period then vanish or come back … [Read more...] about Treating Hot Flashes, Night Sweats
Are You Feeling the Impact of a Toxic Environment?
For many of us, the pandemic has resulted in increased stress, overeating the wrong foods, abrupt changes in lifestyle and not making the best decisions for our health. All this may result in signs of toxicity such as: Allergies and skin changes such as acne, eczema, wrinkly skin Digestive … [Read more...] about Are You Feeling the Impact of a Toxic Environment?
Skin Tightening Naturally with Radiofrequency
It is inevitable that as we age, our skin changes. It can become more laxed, show the signs of damage from past sun exposure, and become more wrinkly and thin. I like to compare the skin to a mattress. When you have a new mattress, it is strong and the fibers are tightly woven. As it wears, the … [Read more...] about Skin Tightening Naturally with Radiofrequency
Five Steps to Reach Your New Year’s Health Outcomes
You have heard it time and time again, many people create these long lists of resolutions for the new year and never stick to them. The problem is that people have a hard time sticking to any resolution or commitment because they lack action or the proper steps to meet the goal. They may also lose … [Read more...] about Five Steps to Reach Your New Year’s Health Outcomes
Considering Health During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In the United States, breast cancer is the second most deadly form of cancer, following lung cancer, and is the most prevalent form of all cancers in women. About 240,000 women will develop breast cancer annually and 40,000 will succumb to the disease. Breast cancer does occur in men, but the number … [Read more...] about Considering Health During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Healthy Aging with Optimal Hormones
From Baby Boomers in their 60s and 70s to Millennials and everyone in between, aging is inevitable. But the aging healthfully movement is here! People are no longer comfortable with getting older and not feeling their best. Many people desire to stay feeling young, healthy and vibrant, no matter … [Read more...] about Healthy Aging with Optimal Hormones