For many months now, I’ve taken to heart the wisdom and findings of Harvard happiness researcher and author Shawn Achor and put into practice his simple advice. It appears a good time to share some of it, with happiness seemingly in short supply. During the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have dramatically increased, and 40% of Americans report struggling with a mental health condition (including anxiety, depression and trauma). Women are twice as likely to suffer than men in their … [Read more...] about Accessible Happiness
Dr. Karen van der Veer
Seeking Anxiety Relief in Trying Times
For many of us, these past few months have brought unprecedented challenges. Our lives have been radically rearranged in ways that we couldn’t have predicted or prepared well for, even if we had seen it coming. Losses of jobs, routine, income, stability and, most tragically, losses of life have made this time painful and anxiety producing. For some, their entire lives have been turned upside down. When we face such challenges, we are asked to adapt with creativity, positivity and grace, the best … [Read more...] about Seeking Anxiety Relief in Trying Times
Immune Readiness in the Time of COVID
We are all on a journey unlike any we have experienced before. Now that we have more time and, perhaps, motivation to contemplate life, many questions come to mind about our health, our family, our connection to humankind, the way we spend our time and energy, who and what are most important to us. One particularly useful question is, “How good can we make this time?” Our “success” in facing any challenge relies on our approach to it. Without making light of all the suffering in the world … [Read more...] about Immune Readiness in the Time of COVID
Understanding the Role of Vitamin D3 for Winter Wellness
Vitamin D3 is crucial to immune function, healthy mood and a host of other critical aspects of health; yet, its deficiency is ubiquitous worldwide. Particularly at this time of year when outdoor activity and sun exposure are limited, supplementation with Vitamin D3 can be foundational to our well-being. For decades, Vitamin D was only thought to help normalize calcium, and phosphate mineralization of bone; assist in the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate from the gastrointestinal … [Read more...] about Understanding the Role of Vitamin D3 for Winter Wellness
Empowering Your Immune System During Cold and Flu season
Autumn is upon us. In this changing weather, with the prevalence of colds, flus and other infections, we look to immune supportive botanicals, supplements, as well as lifestyle and dietary tweaks to help. Even a few basic strategies can go a long way toward boosting your immune system. Sleep: Studies show that people who don’t get adequate quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Sleep also affects how fast you recover if you do get … [Read more...] about Empowering Your Immune System During Cold and Flu season