Anyone else out there taking a deep breath and bracing yourself for fall and winter and the expected increase in seasonal viral illnesses? Yeah, me too. While an uptick in seasonal viral illnesses seems overwhelming considering what we’ve collectively been through over the past 18 months, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to cross your fingers, squeeze your eyes shut and hope that you don’t get sick. You can take action to set your immune system up to take on these bugs when they come … [Read more...] about Chasing Health from the Inside Out
Why Do Muscles Cramp?
We are in full-swing summer, which generally means full-swing muscle cramp season! I get a number of questions in my practice and on social media about muscle cramps. Today, I’d like to help you prevent and get rid of muscle cramps so that you and your muscles can have a more enjoyable summer. What causes muscle cramps? There can be many reasons that cramps happen, but I’m going to go over two of the most common causes of cramps. My hope is that teaching you why you cramp will help you … [Read more...] about Why Do Muscles Cramp?
Managing Summertime Injuries
For many of us, warmer weather means more time outdoors playing. These activities sometimes will result in an acute injury. Let’s talk about how to successfully manage these injuries by harnessing your healing process so you can get back outdoors again! In this article, I’m going to be discussing ligament and tendon injuries. This covers ankle sprains, injured knees, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, shoulder issues, etc. Ligament and tendon injuries such as ankle sprains, golfer’s elbow, … [Read more...] about Managing Summertime Injuries