Your credit score is used by financial institutions and lenders to determine how much money you may borrow for a loan or credit card. A higher credit score may mean lower interest rates and better credit limits, while a low score could mean you get denied for credit. What does your score mean, and how do lenders – and even landlords and employers – use it to determine their decision? Here’s how. Your credit score is calculated based on several financial factors. Credit scores are based on … [Read more...] about How Can You Improve Your Credit Score?
Paula Gilbert
Three Ways to Help Women Succeed in Business
Women-owned businesses are increasing in numbers in Arizona and across the nation. According to a 2018 report by SCORE, women-owned businesses make up 39% of small businesses across the nation and employ nearly nine million people. It’s vital to support small businesses that create revenue within the local economy and provide opportunities for women to succeed in business. Here are three easy ways to do that in your community: Invest in businesses that are owned by female … [Read more...] about Three Ways to Help Women Succeed in Business