Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Best wishes to you and yours, I hope we all have a peaceful and joyous season full of love, laughter and light.
I’m thankful for the work we’ve been able to do on Flagstaff City Council this year, I’m thankful for my dedicated and conscientious colleagues and profoundly grateful for the incredible staff that keeps our town running. Most of all, I’m thankful for this incredible community.
This year, the City Council began work on a climate action plan and Flagstaff won the Wyland Foundation’s Mayor’s Water Conservation Challenge. We also added water conservation staff positions to city staff. We are committed to caring for the environment, addressing climate change and promoting sustainability. We’ve also budgeted for 12 new public safety positions. We released a request for proposals to build three new affordable housing developments on city land. The runway at the airport has been upgraded, and Greentree Hospitality Group is building a new corporate headquarters and hotel at Pulliam. Many of our road repair projects are in the final stages of completion; including Lockett Road, Zuni Road and the latest Sunnyside phrase. On Beaver Street we are about halfway through the replacement of 75+ year water pipes and the replacement of decades-old pavement.
We’ve gone out to the community holding meetings around town and attending community forums. The city has been holding community meetings on high density housing and minimum wage. We’ve met with neighboring tribal governments and continue to build productive relationships with the neighboring communities.
Government, by design, works slowly. We try to act deliberately and purposefully to make lives better, to support families. We try to make the public good the best it can be. One of the best features of American towns and cities is that this is a space where we all come together to make our lives better across the board. We build water treatment plants to make sure we all have clean water; we build parks for everyone to enjoy. I’m honored to be a part of that.
Thank you Flagstaff, and happy holidays! FBN
By Coral Evans
Coral Evans is the mayor of the City of Flagstaff.