While temporary shifts in hearing can occur, overloading the auditory system enough times can cause permanent loss.
Why is Noise Dangerous?
Obviously, noise itself is not dangerous. Like anything, it’s how one uses and interacts with noise that creates potential risk. Risk is determined by both volume and duration. A loud enough sound, such as a gunshot, can create immediate damage. But even less intense sounds, like a saw or loud music, can cause harm. This type of damage tends to be cumulative, meaning it occurs slowly over time. Thus, people tend to be less aware of the risk. While temporary shifts in hearing can occur, overloading the auditory system enough times can cause permanent loss. Sustained noise exposure has also been shown to negatively affect mood, focus, sleep and blood pressure.
So, who is at risk? Anyone, really. Hearing loss does not discriminate. One estimate puts the number of individuals at risk of noise-induced hearing loss at 1.1 billion. A large amount is occupation-related, but recreational noise is equally dangerous. Fortunately, noise-induced hearing loss is preventable. Avoiding loud sounds would obviously be the best solution, but is not always a viable option. When loud noises cannot be avoided, hearing protection becomes necessary. The crux is that most people do not utilize it. An estimated 70% of those exposed do not adequately use hearing protection. Luckily, there is a new option to help address this issue.
A New Type of Hearing Protection
Phonak, one of the world’s leading hearing aid manufacturers, has developed a new line of hearing protection called Serenity Choice. Serenity Choice is an innovative line of hearing protection with multiple features that address common barriers to hearing protection use. First, they are readily available. They can be purchased “off the shelf” at the office of any participating hearing care professional. This style comes in three different sizes. If you are somebody who needs to wear them more regularly, they can be custom molded. Impressions would be taken using medical grade silicone, which would be shipped to Phonak for manufacturing. Even this scenario is quick, requiring only a 15-minute appointment for the impressions and two weeks for manufacturing. Having three sizes for the standard ones and an option for custom ones also ensures a proper fit and long-lasting comfort.
The earplugs are also designed for different scenarios. A person wanting more tranquility at the office has different needs than someone riding a dirt bike. Serenity Choice has options for Music, Shooting, Motorsport, Work (home improvement and gardening), Comfort (office), Sleep, Fly and Swim. Most scenarios have the ability to choose different strength filters, depending on how much noise reduction is desired. These filters can be easily changed by the wearer themselves. Shooting and Fly are the only ones that cannot be switched, always providing high and low levels of reduction, respectively. The filters are also designed to allow safe levels of sound to pass through, allowing for better communication ability and environmental awareness compared to other styles.
Serenity Choice also takes ear health into consideration. The filters are composed of a special membrane and mesh material, which allows for airflow into the ear canal. This is different than a foam plug, which closes off the ear canal entirely. Allowing for airflow means the ear won’t get sweaty when wearing these plugs, preventing bacteria from growing. This is especially important for those with chronic middle ear issues. It also allows sound to enter when wearing the Swim plugs. Thus, kids or adults who need to keep their canals dry can do so while in the pool, but still hear their loved ones calling to them.
Taking a proactive approach to hearing health can help to protect your ears longer and ensure they are working to the best of their ability. Phonak Serenity Choice is a great new tool to help in achieving this goal. FBN
By Jeff Lane, Au. D.
Trinity Hearing Center is located at 1330 N. Rim Dr., Suite B in Flagstaff. For more information, visit the website at TrinityHearing.net. Jeff Lane is a doctor of audiology with a passion for improving the lives of others. Dr. Lane may be reached at 928-522-0500 or at audio@trinityhearing.net.