Use these tips for choosing a frequency converter to purchase. Have confidence in your purchase before investing time and money. Educate yourself, prepare your budget, and consult with a professional.
There are not necessarily large advantages to one frequency over the other. However, there can be inherent disadvantages if your converter is overworked or too complex. This is why educating yourself on your purchase is one of the most important tips of all. Most problems occur when a load that is powered is sensitive to the power frequency. These machines can be sensitive to speed, so you must make sure the power they run on matches the designed RPM.
Some people may be shocked when they see how expensive these converters are. You’ll find that prices are similar between manufacturers. This is due to the basic physics that frequency converters use. The process to transform power into a frequency is simply costly. With so many moving parts and basic maintenance, costs will just need to be accepted before you purchase your converter.
Professional Opinion
Have confidence in your decision to purchase a frequency converter. This decision will require research and possibly talking with a professional. Don’t jump into a purchase without proper education behind it. Decide if this purchase really is the best decision for you and if a frequency converter benefits you. Likely, the answer will lie in what kind of load you are dealing with.
Some machinery that uses motor loads truly need a power frequency converter because of the rotational qualities, especially RPMs. It will help to ensure that motors spin properly with the original rotational design. On the other hand, a resistive load found in heaters and lights doesn’t necessarily need a frequency converter. You’ll just need to ensure the voltage is in the right range.
Use these tips for choosing a frequency converter to purchase. Remember to educate yourself, prepare your budget, and even consult a professional opinion.