Dr. Robert Shelton Resigns as UA President to Lead Fiesta Bowl
The Fiesta Bowl is looking to the former university president to aid in repairing its tattered reputation. Shelton, who is a physicist by training, has been U of A President for nearly five years.
Governor Jan Brewer’s statement’s on Shelton’s appointment: “I would like to thank Dr. Robert Shelton for all the work he has done as President of the University of Arizona, and congratulate him on his new role as Executive Director of the Fiesta Bowl.
“Since joining the university in 2006, Dr. Shelton has provided consistent leadership to the U of A and been a steady hand on the wheel during difficult economic and budgetary times. The Fiesta Bowl faces challenges of its own. I am confident that Dr. Shelton can be an asset in delivering his collegiate expertise, leadership and managerial skills to this important Arizona institution.
“I look forward to continuing our working relationship in his new capacity as Executive Director of the Fiesta Bowl.”