In the good old days of Ward and June Cleaver, advertising was directed mainly at men. Women didn’t have as much buying power then as they do now, so advertisers targeted men as the decision-makers, even when touting a product like laundry detergent. Ladies – have you ever washed clothes in a dress with a deeply plunging neckline and your hair done up in curls? My guess is probably not, but that’s how the marketers of the 1940s and 50s got the attention of the decision-makers and ultimate buyers of their product or service – yes, even laundry detergent.
Many women, on the other hand, didn’t really connect with these ads and were generally turned off by the approach. Now, we’ve certainly come along way in the advertising world since then, with softer, more inclusive messages like DOVE’s Real Role Models Campaign and ACTIVIA’s yogurt for your health message. But the truth is, even more feminine marketing needs to be incorporated.
Now, just so we’re clear, this is not a “men versus women” marketing debate. It’s a very important business message that can directly impact your bottom line. As a relationship marketer, my focus is on helping businesses communicate and connect with confidence that inspires action so they can succeed wildly in today’s market. It’s important to know that today, the largest, most affluent segment that wields more buying clout than any other is Baby Boomer women. These women represent a portion of the buying public that no marketer can afford to ignore. Women account for 85 percent of all consumer purchases, including everything from autos to health care. They spend between $5-$7 trillion a year. That’s TRILLION, not million, folks!
So, if you’re interested (and you should be) in appealing to this HUGE sector niche, here are five simple ways you can adjust your marketing message and begin to connect with this powerful and profitable buying group:
- Replace emotionally aggressive language like “Dominate the Market” or “Crush the Competition” with positive, uplifting messages. Studies show women respond to more emotionally bonding language and uplifting phrases, so brainstorm how you can adapt your marketing message without compromising the brand identity you worked so hard to achieve.
- Emotionally bonding language doesn’t have to be fluffy or boring. Use action words to grab attention, just not in an aggressive way.
- Find a way to relate to your prospect. Phrases like “We know how you feel” or “You’re not alone” will resonate with women buyers – particularly those who are looking for a solution to a challenge.
- Focus on making your product packaging and your advertising visually appealing. Men have more of a tendency to review the information rather than the look and feel of an ad, website, brochure or even your business card. And while women certainly want the information, too, they will dive deeper into your messaging and pay closer attention to what you’re saying if they like what they’re looking at. Studies have shown that great design ignites an emotional state necessary to move shoppers to consumers. A great example is that little blue box from Tiffany’s. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about!
- Values matter to women. While men aren’t necessarily going to factor in their values when making a buying decision, most women certainly will. If your company supports a charity or offers a discount to certain groups, make sure to let your female customers know.
If you’d like to pull back the curtain even further and take a peek at women’s buying statistics, I have them listed on my blog:
They are fascinating and could most assuredly help strategically direct your relationship marketing efforts. FBN