Feb. 8 The event will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at NAU’s High Country Conference Center. Arizona will celebrate its 100th year of statehood on February 14, 2012. Arizona is the 48th state and the last of the contiguous states to enter the Union in 1912. The Arizona Centennial Commission is commemorating the 100th anniversary by collaborating with the Arizona Historical Advisory Commission as well as communities, municipalities and institutions throughout the state. Northern Arizona University is committed to assisting with this celebration by promoting activities to involve students, faculty, staff and community leaders. The presentation will feature Lisa Schnebly Heidinger, who has served on both state centennial committees and authored the book, “Arizona 100 Years Grand,” which was voted OneBookAZ. RSVP now for these special celebration events by calling 888-778-7628 or 928-523-8821.