With the holiday season approaching, neighborhoods will soon be converted into twinkling landscapes with festive lights on trees and houses. LED (light emitting diode) holiday lights are less expensive to operate, safer, and are a more environmentally conscience way of decorating for the holiday season. LED lights use 90% less energy than traditional incandescent strands which saves on electric costs while also making it safer to string multiple long strands together. They burn at a cooler temperature, reducing the risk of fire hazards, and if one bulb burns out, the rest of the strand still works. In addition, LED holiday lights last 100 times longer than traditional incandescent lights.
To help reduce energy consumption, the City of Flagstaff␣␣ Sustainability Program partners annually with HomCo ACE to provide energy efficient holiday lights at a discounted price. Lights are available in white and multi color options. When you bring in a strand of traditional are eligible to purchase a strand of LED holiday lights for only $2 plus tax.
LED Holiday Light Swap
Available at HomCo ACE ␣ 1763 E. Butler Avenue, Flagstaff, while supplies last! Only $2 + tax. Limit of 5 strands per household.
Since 2008 the Annual LED Holiday Light Swap has distributed more than 2,100 boxes of LED holiday lights, which is equivalent to more than $18,000 in utility savings a year for consumers. Over the last three years nearly 320,000 traditional incandescent lights have been collected and recycled. All lights collected during this event will be recycled through the Hazardous Product Center and electronics recycler E-Waste Harvesters.
For more information on tips to increase your home␣s energy efficiency and save money this holiday season, please visit: www.flagstaff.az.gov/homes.