Don Jacobson, Municipal Court Administrator for the City of Flagstaff has been awarded the 2011 Judicial Branch Distinguished Service Award in the Administration of Justice category, by the Supreme Court of the State of Arizona.
According to the Supreme Court Office of Administration, “those nominated for the Judicial Branch Distinguished Service award, will have accomplished an outstanding achievement in the administration of justice by improving services to those who use the court system including jurors, witnesses, litigants, attorneys and defendants; improving court facilities; enhancing services to pro se litigants; facilitating access to the courts; improving accountability; or, supporting the strategic initiatives of Justice for a Better Arizona, or other demonstrated achievement in this area”.
Jacobson’s award was presented at the 2011 Arizona Judicial Conference on Wednesday, June 22, 2011. He was honored for his contributions and service on many judicial advisory committees, including the Limited Jurisdiction Committee, Rule 123 and Data Dissemination Advisory Committee, Court Automation Coordinating Committee, Strategic Planning Steering Committee, Court Leadership Institute of Arizona and many others.
Also noted at the award ceremony was Jacobson’s extensive involvement with the development of the new case management system and his service as faculty for Institute for Court Management which provides training to court employees nationally. Jacobson was told, “The Court is honored to recognize your outstanding service and contribution to the Arizona Judicial Branch”.
Jacobson has served as the Court Administrator for nearly sixteen years at the Flagstaff Municipal Court.