Congressmen Gosar Responds to the President’s Request for Another Stimulus Plan—“Son of Stimulus”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-01) made the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to the Joint Session of Congress on September 8, 2011:
“I was very disappointed in the speech. Once again the President asked for our trust, but I think he keeps forgetting that trust is a series of promises kept. I am still awaiting fulfillment of many of his promises. For example, his promises for free trade agreements that still sit on his desk. He promises ‘simple math’ but where was his ‘simple math’ during the debt ceiling debate? He promises to “cut red tape” so more businesses can go public—but his agencies continue to print more job killing regulations. Maybe he is forgetting that most of our economy is built on the backs of ‘Mom and Pop’ shops,” said Gosar.
“Real jobs start from the empowering the private sector, not the government. Jobs like the 3,700 jobs that would be created under my bill, H.R. 1904, which would allow the largest copper mine in North America to start up. This puts people back to work. It utilizes our natural resources like copper that are essential components to innovation and future technologies—like the President talked about. We are suffering from a massive debt from prior plans just like the President outlined this evening. This is just another failed stimulus plan; I call it ‘Son of Stimulus.’”
FLAGSTAFF, AZ – Ann Kirkpatrick today issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s speech to Congress on creating jobs:
“The American people are tired of hearing politicians from both parties talk about jobs without delivering results. Our friends and neighbors who are out of a job are looking for results, not rhetoric. Washington needs to put aside its partisanship, end the gridlock, and get serious about creating jobs in our communities. I am open to any plan that will get folks back to work, regardless of which party wrote it.”