Setting sail with a new level of professionalism, the Flagstaff Festival of Science invites all to surf the new science website designed by indigo8. The schedule for the more than 70 activities in the free, 10-day event, Sept. 21 – 30, can be found at
“As we launch into the 23rd Festival, we are seeing the impact this powerful experience is having on our young people,” said Festival Board President Bryan Bates. “For example, a University of Arizona medical student tells us her interest in science was fostered through the Festival she grew up with in Flagstaff!”
“I so admire how the Flagstaff community comes together every year to inspire a love of curiosity and discovery, which is the cornerstone of our innovation system. We hope this excitement spreads throughout Arizona and the country,” said Stardust Foundation CEO Jerry Bisgrove.
This season in science is making waves with Alexandra Cousteau as the keynote presenter, at 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 21 in Northern Arizona University’s Ardrey Auditorium. Alexandra is the granddaughter of legendary underwater filmmaker and marine biologist Jacques Cousteau who took her along on sea-going expeditions and taught her to dive.
“We live on a water planet. This transparent liquid is the foundation of all life on Earth. It ensures our survival, fosters our development and enriches the cultures of our civilizations,” she said. “Yet despite the best efforts of scientists, filmmakers and explorers, like my father and grandfather, our generation knows little more than theirs did about its ocean depths or the fragile scarcity of our freshwater resources.”
The 2012 event also will explore ancient oceans, disappearing springs and efforts to save endangered fish, as well as share in the adventures of river running scientists. In addition, the Discovery Channel Telescope near Flagstaff is set to serve as a window into the mysteries of the universe with its First Light. And scientists will track the latest adventures of the new Mars rover Curiosity.
“This season’s lineup will no doubt motivate our own emerging explorers and encourage the next generation of scientists, technicians, doctors, engineers and mathematicians,” said Bates.
The Flagstaff Festival of Science serves to connect and inspire the citizens of Northern Arizona, especially our youth, with the wonders of science and the joy of scientific discovery. The Festival offers more than 70 FREE activities, including field trips, archaeological excavations, interactive exhibits, star parties, open houses at museums and research stations, chemistry magic shows and presentations.
Support from businesses, organizations and individuals makes the Flagstaff Festival of Science possible and free to all. Supernova Friends of the Festival include Northern Arizona University, the City of Flagstaff BBB tax revenues, Flagstaff Cultural Partners, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, the Flagstaff Community Foundation, W. L. Gore & Associates, Science Foundation Arizona and the Stardust Foundation.