Rep. Tom Chabin was recently recognized by the Sierra Club of Arizona and the Children’s Action Alliance, awarding the Flagstaff Democrat top scores on the environment and children’s issues for the 2012 legislative session.
In the Sierra Club’s annual report, The 2012 Arizona Legislature: A Polluter’s Best Friend, Rep. Chabin received an A, making him an Environmental Guardian, for voting consistently to oppose bills that weakened environmental protections. Among the bills successfully opposed by Representative Chabin and other leaders in the legislature was SB 1118, which would have diverted funds from protected sites like Picture Canyon against voter mandate.
Meanwhile, the Children’s Action Alliance also released a report card giving Chabin a perfect score for supporting all bills of concern by the Alliance. Chabin supported bills increasing the efficiency of Child Protective Services, and opened school playgrounds after school hours which passed both houses. He also supported funding to reinstate KidsCare health coverage.
About Tom Chabin – Representative Chabin has represented Flagstaff and parts of the Navajo Reservation for the past 5 years, and served on the Coconino Board of Supervisors for 8 years. He announced his candidacy for the Arizona Senate in the new Legislative District 6. The new district includes Flagstaff, Williams, Sedona and the communities of the Verde Valley, parts of Payson, Holbrooke and Snowflake.