The Forest Service will host an open house today in Flagstaff to provide information, answer questions and solicit comments on a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI).
Members of the public may visit at any time during the three-hour open house that will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Flagstaff, 1824 S. Thompson St.
The 4FRI DEIS analyzes almost a million acres on the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests and proposes forest restoration treatments over a 10-year period. The DEIS and associated documents are available at
The 60-day comment period on the DEIS, which was developed in collaboration with many individuals, groups and agencies, ends May 29.
Individuals interested in the 4FRI DEIS are encouraged to review the document online at