When was the last time you walked into a coffee shop and enjoyed a cup of coffee that someone had already paid for? An opportunity for such a treat began here in Flagstaff on May 1st when the White Dove Coffee Shop on 7th Avenue in East Flagstaff and Cedar House Coffee Shop at 2009 East Cedar Avenue began hosting a program called “Pay It Forward.”
“The cup of coffee is actually a symbol of peace and good will,” Katarina Karjala explained. Some peacemakers wishing to share their good fortune and create some good will can contribute to a fund controlled by a local coffee shop. Those less fortunate can receive a cup of coffee with monies accumulated in the fund.
The Pay it Forward Program is part of a worldwide gesture for peace. The program started over a hundred years ago in the poverty stricken city of Naples, Italy. It declined in popularity and fell out of fashion shortly after World War II. It is now experiencing a revival in Europe and cities across the United States because of difficult economic conditions.
“Pay it Forward is part of several peacemaking activities and events leading up to our International Peace Day Celebration in Flagstaff on September 21st,” said Rebecca Durrenberger, who is coordinating the celebration with several other friends and peacemakers. The grand finale of our peacemaking activities will take place in Heritage Square on September 21st, Durrenberger added.
Additional information on the Pay it Forward Program can be obtained from Katarina Karjala at: