The Sedona 30, a diverse group of Sedona, Arizona residents dedicated to improvement of the community, have launched a website:
The Sedona 30 was founded in 1982, and consists of a group of volunteers who pool time, talent, and resources to make a difference in numerous projects throughout Sedona and the Verde Valley. This year’s goal is to provide world-class entertainment at the Sedona Performing Arts Center.
To assist with spreading the word about upcoming events, community efforts, and accomplishments by the Sedona 30, they have completed a website design project. This new website, is a place for locals, visitors and Sedona 30 members to click and visit for information about upcoming events, Sedona 30 history, accomplishments, and future grant opportunities.
The Sedona 30 has served the community since 1982 and will continue to do so with the new website addition, they can now reach a larger audience in a technologically advanced way.
For additional information about the Sedona 30, please visit or email————
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