What is going on with all the off-campus student housing projects? This particular segment of housing is booming. I can tell you why this is happening, but first let me tell you what is happening. To name a few:
The Grove (the tall buildings south of New Frontiers and Wildflower Bread Co.)…800 beds
Campus Crest (the two story units next to The Grove)…300 beds
Landmark Apartments (planned to be across from Galaxy Diner)…600 beds
The Lodge (planned for just north of Wal-Mart, near Kohl’s)…720 beds
Woody Mountain (west of the Presidio Subdivision on Woody Mountain Road)… 700 beds
These projects are aimed at students and are in addition to other apartment projects. What is fueling these projects is the growth of the student population at NAU. In the last ten years, the number of NAU students in Flagstaff has grown from 12,000 to 19,000. Most of this has come in the last few years. NAU is adding about 1,000 students each year.
When you are adding over 1,000 students per year, there is obviously a demand for housing.
NAU recognized this demand and partnered with a private company and has already built units to accommodate 1,100 students adjacent to the campus. More private units are opening in the Fall of 2014.
When NAU booms, the city benefits. Students spend money, not only on rent but all living expenses. NAU is big business for Flagstaff, in many ways.
We often take this for granted. We are fortunate. FBN
Jerry Nabours is the Mayor of the City of Flagstaff.