“She saw a need and did what it took, almost single-handedly, to fill it. That kind of volunteerism is rare, but the reward fills you beyond measure.”
Bombas donates one item of clothing for every item they sell. Currently, the company has more than 3,500 partners distributing those gifts throughout the United States. To date, Bombas has donated 75 million pieces of clothing to programs that serve those in need. Of the clothing they donate, socks, underwear and T-shirts are the top three most requested items at shelters. “We are honored to be a part of this amazing and one-of-a-kind program,” said Wise.
Paula started Tennies for Tots in 2018, after attending a back-to-school event in Prescott, where she learned that there where programs in place to help school-aged children with school clothes and supplies but they were not available for younger children. Although she works full time, she decided she was going to fill that need. She started with a couple of the Head Start Programs in Flagstaff. Slowly, she expanded, and now serves nearly 40 Head Start programs in four different counties in Arizona and more than 3,000 children every year, including those in Williams, Flagstaff, Page, the Navajo Nation, Winslow and the White Mountains. For many of these children, they are the first new shoes they have ever had.
Last year was a difficult year for Tennies for Tots, Wise reports. She and the volunteers had always shopped discount bins and store closings to buy shoes and socks that they gave away. This held the cost to under $10 per child. But with inflation and supply chain problems, her sources dried up. As a result, the cost per child rose by almost 50%. “But thanks to some new ideas and help from Bill and Barbara Packard and their ‘Going Full Circle’ books, we found a way to get everyone outfitted,” she said.
“Making a difference is all about a commitment to a cause,” said Bill. “She saw a need and did what it took, almost single-handedly, to fill it. That kind of volunteerism is rare, but the reward fills you beyond measure.”
Sara Presler, former mayor of Flagstaff, introduced Wise to the Packards about four years ago. They helped her create the non-profit and fill out grant applications. Hence, donations doubled from 2021 to 2022.
“We were amazed how this single mother who worked full-time had found the time and resources to help all these children,” said Bill. “We recognized the same drive in her that lead us to open Full Circle Trade and Thrift and our Pantry.”
As word has gotten out, Wise says requests for help from families have increased as well. “We are always looking for more help, so if you or a group you belong to would like to help financially or to volunteer, buying, sorting and distributing, we sure could use the help.”
For more information, visit www.tenniesfortots.org. The State of Arizona recognized Tennies for Tots as a Qualifying Tax Credit Organization in 2022. That means a single person may donate $400 or couples may donate $800 to deduct the full amount from their state income tax bill. FBN
By Bonnie Stevens, FBN
Courtesy Photo: Paula Sedillo Wise is joyfully overwhelmed by the gift of 3,000 socks to support her non-profit, Tennies for Tots.