Local ham radio operator recognized for his outreach to 340 countries and entities.
“Very few hams in the world have done this and I only know of eight others in Arizona that have ever contacted all 340 entities,” he said. “This is amazing to me, as there are about 22,000 Hams just in Arizona.”
Bouvet is an island dependency of Norway, located 9,124 miles from Flagstaff between South Africa and South America and closer to the Antarctic. It has been called the most remote island on the planet and is one of the top two locations, along with North Korea, that are the most difficult to contact by ham radio.
Wertz recently was recognized for his achievement. “This is one of the highest operating awards given out by American Radio Relay League,” he said. “Reaching DXCC #340 has not been done by many Hams, so it was quite a thrill and honor for me to have accomplished it.”
It was also a daunting task, with some fantastic experiences associated with the effort.
“One of the most obscure locations I have talked to is Mount Athos in Greece. There are over 2,000 monks living there at a monastery and they only have one Ham operator. His name was Monk Apollo. I thought this might be the most difficult contact to make in my Ham career; however, one evening in November of 2016, I heard him on the air calling CQ (CQ means calling all Hams). He was using Morse Code to call and I answered him. I was very excited when he came back to me with a signal report and we made the contact. It wasn’t long after that I received his confirming QSL card, and then a year or so after that, he passed away.”
Amateur radio is also known as ham radio and amateur radio operators are “hams,” a term originally coined by landline telegraphers as a derogatory slang word used to refer to amateur operators who they thought had poor skills, as in “ham actor.”
Amateurs adopted the term and began using it to describe themselves and their hobby. There are more than 21,900 ham radio operators in Arizona and more than 700,000 in the United States. Ham radio uses the radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, such as wireless experimentation, radiosport contesting, private recreation and emergency communications.
“To get on the air to use ham radio, it can be surprisingly inexpensive,” said Wertz. “You would need a transceiver [radio] and an antenna. Many hams start out with used radios, which can be found for as little as $250. Then you would need an antenna. New hams are shown how to easily build their own wire antennas, which you can hang in a tree or on a fence post, even in their attic. With this type of setup, you can work the world!”
Expensive extras can be added, such as tall towers, antenna tuners, directional antennas, high powered amplifiers and more.
Wertz, who lives on Townsend Winona Road, was born in Waukegan, Illinois, raised in Antioch, Illinois, and then moved to Phoenix in 1965, after he graduated from Eastern Illinois University. He was the owner and operator of Wertz Tire and Auto Service in Flagstaff for 30 years and retired in 2004.
His interest in ham radio began early in his life. “When I was about 10 years old, I found a box of what I thought were postcards in the basement of our home in Antioch,” he remembered. “Some of them were from other countries and addressed to my father. When I asked him about the cards, he told me he had been a ham radio operator, first licensed in 1932, and those cards were called QSL cards, which were used to confirm contacts made with other hams. One particular card I remember seeing was from South America, and that fascinated me. That discussion with my Dad sparked my interest in ham radio.”
Wertz says he comes from a family of hams, as he also had an uncle who was licensed, as well as a brother, a niece and Wertz’ own two grandsons. His own career as a ham operator began after he moved to Flagstaff to run a Goodyear dealership.
“During that year, I noticed that the Flagstaff community schools were offering a class about getting a ham license,” he said. “I enrolled and after taking that class, I got my first, entry level FCC Ham License – and the rest is history,” he said.
After his dad was relicensed in the 1980s, Wertz and his brother and father, all living in different locations, would rendezvous for a Saturday coffee gathering together while they were on their ham radios. “We did this for many years, and I think about that as being such a special to time for all of us,” he said.
Probably his most exciting contact, he says, was the one with Bouvet Island. “The DXpedition had been planned for a year but they had so many problems when arriving there by boat, that it almost did not happen,” he said. “They had very high winds, which caused lots of problems getting equipment to the shore and up a hill to the operating site.”
They were unable to set up two of the tents and the amplifier didn’t make it to shore. Only one radio was able to get on the air. “That radio was set on a bucket that was turned upside down, and the operator sat on the floor of the tent while making calls,” Wertz said. “Their signal was very, very weak, so I listened and listened for them and finally heard their Morse code signal and gave them a call. Somehow, we made the contact and I believe I was the only one in Northern Arizona that made contact with them.”
Wertz entered this last contact on his master list.
There will be a Flagstaff HAMFEST hosted by Northern Arizona DX Association, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, July 15, at Sinagua Middle School, 3950 E. Butler. The event will have speakers, a swap meet, vendor tables and ham-related items for sale. Exams will be given for ham licenses. Coffee and donuts and a pizza lunch will be available. More than $4,000 in prizes will be announced for attendees. Admission is a $5 donation. The event is sponsored by the Amateur Radio Council of Arizona.
I have been to Canada, Alaska, Belize and Europe but Lake Powell has always been my favorite place to spend time. Why? Because of the scenic beauty, the serenity and so many places to explore and relax.
Get experience in the field you want to end up in, make plans and follow those plans. Don’t be afraid to take a chance!
Getting along with people.
Last June when my first grandson got married. I was so thrilled, happy and proud!
Woodworking, fishing, traveling and gardening. I plan to mentor young hams as well as operate many radiosport competition events, or ham radio contests where I compete with hams around the world to see who can make the most contacts and contact the most entities during a typical contest weekend. I can do this from my own home in Flagstaff. FBN
By Betsey Bruner, FBN
Courtesy Photo: Bob Wertz, retired owner of Wertz Tire and Auto Service in Flagstaff, received one of the highest ham operating awards after connecting with Bouvet, considered to be the most remote island in the world.