My dad has always said, “Listen to your customers and you will be successful.”
- Listen to your Customers
My dad has always said, “Listen to your customers and you will be successful.” It’s a simple concept that guides our business to grow and adapt on a daily basis. Take in the feedback – the good, the bad and the ugly. Make changes in product selections as you hear customer requests. Celebrate and reward staff accomplishments when compliments are given. Update policies and procedures when they create a challenging customer experience.
- Embrace Change
Dad has remained passionate about the specialty outdoor industry for more than 50 years now, and I admire this tremendously. I believe he has done this by always growing, continually adapting and being ready for change. Never sit back and assume business as usual will bring you success. Watch the trends, read the industry articles, attend the conferences. This curiosity has kept us on the leading edge for five decades.
- Reimagine R and D
This one is easy, right? “Research and Development” is a well-known business term. But my dad has always said R and D stands for “Rip Off and Duplicate.” If we recognize ideas or events that work well for others, adapt them for us. No need to reinvent the wheel if there are creative businesses and individuals doing things that inspire us.
- Serve Your Community
Community service and involvement has been modeled by both my parents for as long as I can remember. Supporting causes with time and money, volunteering on boards, donating to and participating in fundraisers and simply being there for neighbors in need is at the root of my upbringing. These daily practices have cultivated a true and deep sense of place for me here in Flagstaff and the most remarkable partnerships and opportunities for collaboration have grown from this practice.
- Work hard. Play harder.
I love my work. We have created a work culture that is fun and days at the shop are truly enjoyable. I have the opportunity to engage with passionate and fun-loving staff as well as meet and converse with interesting customers and travelers. The list of to-dos and new opportunities as a small business owner is never ending, so Dad is the first to encourage time away from work.
Play is especially important for me as it’s the time I walk (or hike) away from work, disconnect and recharge. This usually comes i n some form of outdoor adventure such as skiing, backpacking, river rafting, mountain biking or camping. Time spent outdoors allows me to return refreshed and give more to my daily work and community.
- Protect the Places We Love
Mom (Rosie Lamberson) and Dad chose Flagstaff as the place to raise our family because of the access to beautiful outdoor spaces. And it made sense to found a business centered on gear and apparel for outdoor exploration in a community passionate about adventure. It’s been said that you cannot care for something you do not know and wandering the wilderness of the Colorado Plateau instilled a deep love for protecting and preserving these wild landscapes. Owning Mountain Sports has given me awesome opportunities to advocate and speak up for the protection of wild places. I’ve traveled to Washington, D.C., to advocate for recreational flows in the Colorado River; I’ve written and campaigned in support of proposed National Monuments and funded organizations fighting daily to ensure we have access to wild places.
- Empower your Team
Dad has always said to our team, “We will support the decision you make.” Mountain Sports would not be what it is today without the hundreds of wonderful employees we’ve worked with through these 50 years. I believe the reason we have staff longevity and that close-knit family feeling is because we truly value our employees. With this statement, we create a culture of empowerment where staff can make decisions on the fly and not have to refer to “policy,” thus allowing us to connect and get to know them as individuals.
- Leave a Legacy for the Future
Mountain Sports has been family-led for more than 50 years. Dad made the commitment to 1% for the Planet 20 years ago and that has resulted in more than $250,000 granted to local Flagstaff environmental partners.
I see our next opportunity for impact in becoming a certified Benefit Corporation. B corps are mission-driven businesses (like Patagonia) leading the way in changing our economic system to positively impact all stakeholders – workers, communities, customers and our planet – not just shareholders. I look forward to diving into this process in early 2024 to take the next step in credibility and commitment to our community. This will pull together our Mountain Sports legacy, our commitment to our staff and community as well as our environmental ethos into one cohesive narrative. FBN
By Lisa M. Lamberson
Lisa M. Lamberson is the owner of Mountain Sports Flagstaff, located at 24 N. San Francisco St., in the historic downtown. Mountain Sports Flagstaff is celebrating its 50th anniversary with community activities this fall, including a grand celebration Friday, Nov. 3, at the Orpheum Theater. For more information, visit