Green Hands USA is mobilized Americans on National Green Volunteer Day, April 16.
Green Hands USA is a green event company committed to helping local communities advance their green projects and improve the health of all the country’s local environments.
Arizona is already joining in and doing its part. On National Green Volunteer Day. The Northern Arizona University Student Environmental Caucus is led by Kevin Ordean, Bryan McLaren, and Nolan Bade. They have partnered with several university departments and organizations to put together events on National Green Volunteer Day and throughout Earth Week.
“It seems that every year, Northern Arizona University students take the Earth Day celebration to new levels. This year is no exception,” says Ordean. “With more than 15 events currently planned this year, we will once again set the bar for what the student body is capable of.”
Green Hands USA has established two annual National Green Volunteer Days to inspire and help local communities organize green projects. Their goal is to get volunteers connected with local green projects throughout the year and on National Green Volunteer Days.
“The list of cities, colleges and green organizations participating with Green Hands USA and National Green Volunteer Day expands daily. Our reception has been beyond anything we expected,” says Rusty Coristine, Co-Founder, Green Hands USA. “We also like the fact that it inspires environmental education.”
“We believe with education and knowledge that all of Golden Valley can be committed with saving our natural resources,” says Bobbi Case, CEO and President of Golden Valley Chamber of Commerce. “Earth Day is the celebration of our Valley and its natural beauty should be respected and appreciated.”
Green Hands USA is also offering a free Green Educational Lesson Plan for Arizona public school teachers to use during Earth Day Week. The lesson plans were developed for students K – 12 and are available for free downloads at
“With the pressure on local school budgets increasing and with the hard working teachers of Arizona trying to do more with less, we thought offering free green lesson plans for Earth Day Week was a good idea,” concludes Mr. Coristine.