A potentially tragic incident can be easily avoided if kids are taught from an early age that firearms require adults.
None of us ever want to be in a situation where we need to take emergency actions. We make choices on a constant basis that help to prevent us from experiencing consequences we’re not prepared for. This year, rather than resolutions, you should ask yourself several “what if” questions so that should a difficult situation present itself, you have previously thought through it in a stress-free environment. Everyone’s lives are different; so will be their what-ifs. Here are a few to consider.
What if you’re asleep at night and are startled awake by someone kicking in your front door? This scenario requires some advanced planning. Who is assigned to call 911? Who will arm themselves? Do the other people in your home know the plan and where to go? Think through this process, jot down your plan and share it with your family.
What if you’re involved in a traffic accident that results in severe bleeding from yourself or a passenger? Tourniquets used to be a last resort to stop bleeding but the strategy has changed recently. You should not only have a basic first aid kit in your car, you should also know when and how to apply a tourniquet. Free “Stop the Bleed” courses are taught monthly, make sure you and others in your family have attended one.
What if you’re in a situation that requires you to use a firearm in self-defense and it malfunctions? Modern firearms are very reliable, but are still mechanical objects that can fail. You should include malfunction clearance in your firearms training and practice it regularly using a randomly inserted snap cap in your magazine.
What if your kids or grandkids come across a firearm at a friend’s home or school? A potentially tragic incident can be easily avoided if kids are taught from an early age that firearms require adults. Teach them that if they see one and adults are not present and in charge, they should not touch it and notify an adult immediately. Kids must understand that firearms are not toys.
Hopefully you’ve come up with a couple of “what ifs” of your own. Think them through, have a plan and share it. These steps can help ensure your new year is safer! FBN
By Rob Wilson
Rob Wilson is the owner, with his wife, Elise, of Timberline Firearms & Training in Flagstaff. They offer a full line of firearms, accessories, safes and ammunition along with Liberty Safes. For more information, visit timberlinefirearms.us.