Zonie Living: Business, Adventure and Leadership Coming in November.
Bonnie Stevens’ Communication Station, with support from Flagstaff Business News, will be shining the spotlight on Northern Arizona’s small businesses, career opportunities and community values, including a vibrant economy, healthy lifestyles, outdoor activities, businesses with competitive salaries and light-on-the-land impact, an appreciation for quality education and lifelong learning, and legacy-minded leaders focused on the next generation.
“We have so much to work with and be excited about,” she said, “innovative entrepreneurs, committed community leaders, a business retention focus, workforce development programs, a spectacular natural environment, astro-, eco-, cultural and recreational attractions, a legacy of discovery and hunger for excellence. This all adds up to an extraordinary quality of life.”
Zonie Living is being developed to create positive awareness, news attention and buzz supported and connected by Dave Pratt’s Star Worldwide Networks and an experienced, professional and creative marketing and production team.
As stated in Stevens’ business plan, “Zonie Living will examine not only what forward-thinking, successful people of excellence are doing and how well they are doing it, but more importantly why and the passion and purpose behind their actions. Aren’t these the smart businesses we all want to support, work for and have in our communities? Aren’t these the quality people we want to see on the slopes, sit next to at the symphony or wave to in our neighborhoods? Isn’t this the landscape and nightscape we want to enjoy and take care of for generations to come?”
From out of the bleakness of a global pandemic, Stevens believes now is the time for positive stories to burst onto the scene and onto the screen. “Zonie Living will offer interviews about business success, meaningful innovations, medical advances, leadership strategies, mentoring opportunities, interesting characters, inspirational people, extraordinary places and high-elevation fun,” she said.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for all of us to get involved in a program that’s pro-business, pro-excellence, pro-leadership and pro-healthy living promoting our mountain town’s positive, vivacious aspects for achieving the life many dream of,” said FBN Owner/Publisher Troy Bix.
Along with the vodcast comes a new book from Stevens, “Life Lessons from a Zonie Girl: How to Stay Sunny, Grounded and Resilient.” Also, Stevens is teaming up with pioneering Arizona television news anchorwoman Mary Jo West to offer the CCC2NAU Mary Jo West Excellence in Communication Scholarship. “The scholarship award, slated for fall 2022, certainly will help a student financially, but perhaps the greatest value is the mentorship opportunity that comes with it,” said Stevens, as she and West will schedule time each semester for coaching and guidance.
“The vodcast, the book and the scholarship are all things I wish I would have had access to in the past, and that is my hope moving forward, that we can all learn from others, gain encouragement, draw inspiration and recognize what a wonderful environment we have all around us. Apollo 12 moon-walking astronaut Alan Bean once said to me, ‘We live in the Garden of Eden,’ and I’ve never forgotten it. To me, he was saying we have beauty and abundance and everything we need for a wonderful life. And that’s what we’ll be focusing on.” FBN
Zonie Living: Business, Adventure and Leadership goes live Nov. 5. Go to https://starworldwidenetworks.com/shows/bonnie-stevens.