The Civic Service Institute (CSI) at Northern Arizona University, in partnership with the United Way of Northern Arizona, is sponsoring a service project in the Schultz Flood Area on June 25, 2011. Volunteers are needed to fill and place sandbags or paint Jersey barriers; two shifts are available, 9a—noon and/or 1p—4p.
Volunteers may both fill and place sandbags on properties at risk for flooding, or for those interested in a less labor intensive project, CSI has organized a Jersey barrier painting project. This helps to beautify the barriers and integrate the concrete walls into the landscape of the homes.
Jersey Barriers, the concrete blockades often seen on the highway and near constructions sites have been placed around the homes of residents living in the high risk zones to protect them from the force of the water as it makes its way down the mountain and into neighborhoods.
A resident of a neighborhood affected by flooding in 2010 expressed mixed emotions about the barriers. “The barriers saved our home from flooding and we are grateful. They help us feel safer but they also create a sense of being under attack and are a constant reminder that the water can come at any time.”
“We all have friends, associates, co-workers, or relatives that were affected by the Shultz flooding. The Civic Service Institute @ NAU wants to assist our neighbors in being prepared for the 2011 monsoon season and alleviate the fears surrounding oncoming floods. We were successful in bringing together 65 volunteers on April 30th of this year with our first Operation Shultz Project and hope to have success in attracting more volunteers on June 25th,” said Carole Mandino, Director of CSI.
Volunteers are asked to bring sunscreen and water. Volunteers performing sandbagging and sediment removal are encouraged to bring gloves, wear long pants and closed toe shoes.
The Civic Service Institute is accepting donations of brushes, rollers and empty buckets for paint.
For more information and to RSVP please contact:
April Saylor
Ph: (928)-523-2190