If it doesn’t scare you, it’s not a risk. Take a risky leap today to prove you can do anything you put your mind to.
I’m not a journalist or a polished writer, but I have a passion for empowering women to inspire change in others, build unlimited wealth and leave a legacy behind. That is why I start before I’m ready, so we can all live in a world where kindness spreads.
You are your own safety net, period! So why are so many individuals afraid to leap and start before they are ready? The lack of desire for growth may be FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Without the desire to grow, change and become a better version of yourself, you remain in the same fishbowl that you have created as your “reality.” You remain stuck, fearful of the outcome!
As entrepreneurs, you cannot focus on what happens to you, you must focus on what is happening for you. Look up every once in a while and reap the benefits of what is happening around you: those you can meet, those that collaborate with you. Opportunities are endless. If you seek, you shall find. But, just like a goldfish, we outgrow our “bowls.”
Have you heard about the proximity principle? You are the combination of the five people you hang around the most. You most likely have the same net worth, like some of the same foods, enjoy the same activities, etc. This can keep you stuck if you are around those unwilling to grow. Leaping to the new belief offers the opportunity for you to meet someone new, put yourself in a new crowd, develop new skills that form new habits, and take on new leadership roles in your business, career, family and community. Remember, your network is your net worth!
Imagine you are speaking on stage and you see the front row of the audience. Do you want that front row to be your raving fans, nodding, clapping, cheering? Or, would you like that front row to be naysayers, frowning, falling asleep from boredom, or, worse yet, getting up and walking out of the auditorium?
Of course, you want them to be raving fans! So, fill the “front row” in your life with those same people. Don’t be afraid to ask others for what you want, ask yourself for what you want, and, most importantly, ask God. Figure out what it is that you want in your business and go for it. I did when I built my community from zero to 12,000 community members in just three short years.
Let’s break down a simple list of how you can take the LEAP and start before you are ready:
- Life is happening for you. As entrepreneurs, you cannot focus on what happens to us, you must focus on what is happening for us. Opportunities are endless. If you seek, you shall find.
- Leadership: Who is your raving fan? Who tells everyone about you? Write the list down and use this list when you need assistance in getting the word out about a new product or event you may have.
- Be the authority of you: You are the only you that has ever been and the only you that will ever be. Now is the time to stop asking permission of others and show up authentically as you everywhere. Trust me, it will be the best impression you can leave, and will be memorable.
- Your network is your net worth: Accelerate your growth through additional learning and by surrounding yourself with those individuals who fuel your success, not snuff it out! It’s time to check your inner circle and maybe shift some people around.
- Challenge yourself and do it scared: Done is better than perfect. If it doesn’t scare you, it’s not a risk. Take a risky leap today to prove you can do anything you put your mind to.
I want to meet you and will be speaking at the Prescott Area Athena Awards, 3-5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 18, at Starting Point in the Prescott Gateway Mall. https://prescottathena.com. Connect with me on social media, LinkedIn or even track me down on my website. FBN
By Colleen Biggs
For additional information on how you can schedule with Colleen Biggs, visit her website at https://colleenbiggs.net/
Visit her online community https://colleenbiggs.net/community/ to find more ways that you can increase your leadership through visibility https://colleenbiggs.net/freebies/.
Nominations are being accepted now for the 2022 Prescott-Area ATHENA Award. Find nomination form and ticket information for the ATHENA High Tea event, Sunday, Sept. 18, at prescottathena.com.
To hear more from Colleen Biggs, find her on Zonie Living, “Leading Ladies Who Inspire, Empower and Model Excellence,” at starworldwidenetworks.com.