There are several Northern Arizona city elections planned for 2012, with the primary election scheduled for today, March 13. A handful of candidates are running for the office of mayor, with the exception of Sedona, where Rob Adams is running unopposed for reelection.
In Winslow, Robin Robert Boyd will face Thomas Chacon in the general election on May 15.
Williams’s city policy has the two mayoral candidates facing off in the primary. Voters will go to the polls to decide between Ken Edes and John W. Moore; if neither candidate earns a clear majority, both names will remain on the ballot for the general election, also held at a polling place.
In Flagstaff, the primary and general city elections will be by mail. Mayor Sara Presler is not seeking a third term and there are four mayoral candidates on the primary ballot. The top two vote-getters will face off in the May 15 general election. Each of the candidates provided Flagstaff Business News with a statement on why they are seeking the city’s highest office.
I am running for mayor of Flagstaff because I believe that we deserve so much more. I believe that Flagstaff has yet to reach its full potential, because we historically have made decisions in isolation from one another in order to protect individual turf. It’s time to break down those silos and come together as a community and shed our self-defeating identity of “poverty with a view.” It’s time to create a perspective of greater self-worth. It’s time to embrace with pride the unique and wonderful assets that are the foundation of our community. It’s time to recognize Flagstaff’s many strengths and enable ourselves to become the best we can be. Through principled leadership over time, I believe that we can have Prosperity with a View.
Experiencing prosperity and preserving the qualities of life we value in Flagstaff are not mutually exclusive. It is good business to be mindful stewards of our natural resources and community assets. Prosperous communities behave in ways we presently do not. Prosperous communities collaborate. Prosperous communities recognize that their greatest asset is their citizens. Prosperous communities prioritize government services and eliminate duplication. Prosperous communities empower citizens to take ownership in community resources, thereby reducing government overhead.
We will be challenged to step outside of our comfort zone, but with the principled leadership that I offer as mayor of Flagstaff, I intend to guide our community past our collective fears that are holding us back. I offer you collaborative leadership with a long-term vision that is aligned with our priorities as outlined in the regional plan. I offer you the self-discipline to facilitate quality solutions by a City Council that is respectful, collaborative and effective. Now is our time to step into our strength and become what we are capable of being. Flagstaff deserves nothing less. HYPERLINK “”
Our city has made some major financial blunders in the last few years. (Auto Mall, Horizon Airlines, sewer plant, Aspen Place, Presidio in the Pines, etc.) Although well-intentioned at the time, these things show a lack of experienced and knowledgeable leadership on the City Council. The job of the mayor is to keep the city out of ill-advised ventures and focused on its primary responsibilities to the citizens: provide reliable services, provide public protection, keep the streets repaired and provide parks and recreation.
A city also has to keep building its economy. We either move forward or we end up moving backward. Cities everywhere are learning that offering financial incentives to new businesses is a losing proposition. We can get companies interested in Flagstaff by factors such as our interstate and railroad location. The next step is for them to see Flagstaff as a place they want to live. We can do this by having an efficiently run city and a welcoming attitude at City Hall. “How can we help?” rather than “Here are the hoops to jump through.”
We should make our city as attractive as possible. Our roads look bad. They have to become a priority. We can build civic pride with promotions such as a summer of bulky trash every week with a “Trim it, paint it, trash it” theme. I would start a long-term program of burying overhead utility wires. This creates a subtle cleanliness much needed in the older areas. (The intersection of Fort Valley Road and Forest has a beautiful view of the Peaks, with 22 wires overhead.)
I have been an attorney in Flagstaff for 37 years. I have scaled back my practice to perform the office of mayor. I am fortunate in that I have these years of experience in Flagstaff. But more than my own experience, I share the experiences I have seen and discussed with hundreds of clients.
I am a native Arizonan and 15-year Flagstaff resident. I attended elementary school through college in Flag. I am a cyclist and a small business owner. My degree is in journalism, photojournalism and electronic media, although I specialize in TV production. The maternal side of my family is from Scotland, Ireland and Spain. The paternal side is from the Midwest. I believe that solutions can be found to any problem if one comes to the table with an open mind. “Flagstaff First” is my slogan and we need to get our government back to one that is “by and for the people.”
As my commitment to the community to be a working mayor, I collected all petition signatures myself. I am the only “no donation” candidate. Getting money out of politics is the only way to get honesty into politics. My main priorities will be jobs, reforming restrictive policy counterproductive to small businesses and economic development.
My jobs plan includes bringing TV and film production to Flagstaff. This will positively impact every sector of the local economy and have a low environmental impact. Local reality TV series will bring direct city revenue of $48,000/month. Flagstaff is an ideal location as we have almost every ecosystem within driving distance and the four seasons. See for details.
Simplifying permitting for small construction projects (under 100k) is a priority. This will give homeowners the remodels they want quickly, and get our local carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. some much needed work without the hassle.
We must switch back to cinders from ice-melt. It is environmentally friendly and I would rather see city money go to jobs for cleanup than going to a foreign chemical company. There are many other facets to my jobs plan, including stimulating the local cycling industry. Check out all the details at
I am running for mayor in order to bring some continuity to the office and help our community foster the concepts put forward by investing in economic development, environmental stewardship and support for education as the key tool for an educated electorate and a workforce that meets the needs of a changing economy. The noble task that is public service is under fire these days as somehow self-serving and polarized. I hope to prevent that sentiment from gaining traction at the local and regional level. It is my belief that we have more in common with each other than we do in opposition and that my experience and established relationships with most of our regional partners gives me the ability to do more faster with these groups.
I will be able to pick up the work with our state delegation and our federal delegation as well as the Greater Arizona Mayors Association without losing a beat. The ability to get work done with a diverse council is crucial to the success of any mayor. I will try to see the values of others as the consensus-building tool of choice.
The economic recession of recent years demands a re-evaluation of our approach to economic development. The provision of city services as our primary function is heavily reliant on sales tax revenues. This has been the policy of choice of the community and so a vibrant economic atmosphere is vital. This I will foster through a reinvestment in tourism and continuation of my efforts in business incubation and investing in small businesses (85 percent of all business in America is small business) that have established itself in Flagstaff.
I have always looked at the balance of needs that constituents have brought in front of us as the way to accommodate and serve as many of the diverse interests of the community. These goals have been captured most thoroughly in our Regional Plans. Implementation of those plans within the budgets we have is my goal. FBN