Competitive shooting sports are alive and well in Northern Arizona.
Competitive shooting sports are alive and well in Northern Arizona. Almost every Saturday, there is an event happening that can offer both a fun way to practice and significantly improve your skill sets. Some folks shy away from competitive events because of a combination of doubt about their skills and fear of judgement from the other competitors. I’ll assure you that at the matches here, that doesn’t happen. You’ll be among a group of like-minded men and women who are having a great time improving their skills.
There are several different sanctioning organizations that have events here. Let’s do a quick review of what they are:
- USPSA (United States Practical Shooters Association) is described as the fastest and most exhilarating form of practical shooting, you’ll be moving and shooting at a variety of paper and steel targets at ranges of 5 to 30 yards. The scoring system favors speed over accuracy.
- IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) is the use of practical equipment including full charge ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to challenge the skill and ability of an individual. Scoring places an emphasis on accuracy over speed
- Steel Challenge – If you haven’t shot steel targets before, you’re missing out on a lot of fun. The immediate gratification that comes from hearing that steel “ring” when you score a hit is amazing. You’ll be moving and shooting faster than you imagined and all the while, improving your skills.
- SASS – Cowboy Action Shooting – Want to relive a bit of the Old West? This is your chance! Cowboy Action Shooters dress the part and use the firearms of the Old West, including revolvers, lever action rifles and shotguns.
You can learn more about these and other opportunities to have fun while training by contacting the Flagstaff Action Shooters at Guests are always welcome at the events as long as you’re wearing the required eye and ear protection. So, come on out and do some shooting! FBN
By Rob Wilson
Rob Wilson is the owner, with his wife, Elise, of Timberline Firearms & Training in Flagstaff. They offer a full line of firearms, accessories, safes and ammunition along with Liberty Safes. For more information, visit