Spring in Flagstaff means snow, rain, dry, sunny, cloudy, cold, warm, calm, windy. In Flagstaff, we have it all. One thing about spring you can count on is new growth. Aspen and oak trees begin to bud, and sprouts begin to push up through the ground. Spring can be a time of new beginning for humans, too. Those goals and resolutions that laid dormant through the winter can sprout anew.
Every time we wake up is a new opportunity to start over. Sometimes, it is helpful to launch a plan on a specific day or event. Birthdays, the beginning of school, even New Year’s Day are popular. For Catholics and some other Christians, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, lends itself to starting a new habit, often by letting go of an old one. Forty days works well to create a lasting change, if the person truly wants to make a change.
The first day of spring, March 20, could mark the beginning of a better life. Make a plan. Write reasonable, specific, measurable goals with timelines. Put action items on a calendar. Have an accountability group or buddy. Reach out for help. Any step forward is moving toward the goal. FBN
By Don Berlyn
For more information on developing and achieving your goals, contact Don Berlyn, PT, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.