In 2017, Warner’s Nursery launched a project that was near and dear to our hearts: a coffee shop to honor our grandmother, Dorothy Warner, who founded Warner’s Nursery in Page back in the 1960s. Dottie’s Garden Coffee Shoppe is right in the middle of our nursery, a relaxing place to enjoy coffee drinks, Italian sodas, and other refreshments is right in the middle of our nursery, a relaxing place to enjoy coffee drinks, Italian sodas, and other refreshments. Now, one of our employees has … [Read more...] about Dottie’s Bru: Making Magic from Coffee Grounds
Dottie’s Garden Coffee Shoppe
Buckle Up for 2024: Artificial Intelligence is Vastly Accelerating Small Business Efficiency
Wrapped in soft throws and sipping warm lattes, five women business owners gathered on overstuffed couches in a Charleston, South Carolina, beach house in October to mastermind strategies for overcoming challenges and positioning themselves for 2024. Their expertise spanned real estate, finance, marketing, business leadership and energy healing. Ideas were flowing like the gentle waves rolling to shore just outside the home. However, all motion stopped inside with the task of creating online … [Read more...] about Buckle Up for 2024: Artificial Intelligence is Vastly Accelerating Small Business Efficiency