Highly intuitive people like Hathcock say miracles happen all around us.
I like to think of these instances as actual miracles, wonderful things that happen to us that we really wanted to have happen, or situations and events that turned out better than we could have imagined.
Author, children’s furniture maker and psychic detective Kiersten Hathcock says her intuition has become a roadmap for her life and, I would add, it can lead us to good things, like miracles. Aside from hard work and perseverance, I commonly hear businesspeople attributing their success to a feeling or a hunch that they acted upon.
Hathcock’s extraordinary last decade or so has been all about following her intuition. In 2011, she was living in Los Angeles with her husband, Scott, and their two children. She wanted to find a toy box that would match their mid-century modern furniture and something fun their kids would use. She couldn’t find what she was looking for, but something inside told her she could build it herself.
At the time, Hathcock was not a carpenter. Nevertheless, she bought a circular saw anyway, watched demonstrations online and turned her garage into a woodshop. She became so good at making children’s furniture, celebrities like Matthew McConaughey and Christina Applegate ordered custom toy boxes for their kids. By following her intuition, or calling, Hathcock was unknowingly deepening her intuitive abilities. As she says, “Learning to use your intuition is like training a muscle.”
Miraculously, as she was covered in sawdust and coaxing pieces of wood into furniture for little ones, the spirits of children began visiting her. Upon investigation, she learned these were deceased children who had been murdered and often sexually abused. She would see them, hear their voices and feel their touch. Sometimes they would communicate to her through a sensation – a tug on her ponytail might mean to keep looking for a clue; pressure on her throat could indicate strangulation.
In this way, Hathcock began volunteering to help detectives solve cold cases and bring closure to families. In many cases, Hathcock’s connections would provide comfort to grieving parents with messages of assurance and love. What a miracle.
Today, while designing little tables, chairs and toy boxes for her Mod Mom Furniture company, volunteering as an intuitive medium and working with law enforcement officers to help unravel long unsolved mysteries, Hathcock also teaches young people and adults tips to help them tune into their own intuition.
Here are three:
- Pay attention to where your mind goes while your body is doing something that is familiar to you, like driving a car, taking a shower or sanding wood. “Think back to some of your best ideas and what you were doing when they showed up,” she said. “I’ve found that when you’re doing something with your physical body, like taking a walk in the ponderosa pine forest, it helps you get into a state of mind that is conducive to receiving intuitive guidance. Simply knowing this will help you recognize what your intuition is telling you while you’re just moving about your life.”
- Ask for guidance through dreams. “Your sleep state is a closer vibration to your ‘guides’ spirits or your subconscious higher self,” she said. And I’m so glad she points this out because I know that when I am wrestling with a decision or trying to solve a difficult or complicated problem, I will commonly have a very vivid and symbolic dream. When I wake up, I’ll be amused of course, but also completely astonished by the new clarity and sometimes will say out loud to the universe, “Got it. Thank you.”
- Become aware of your body’s intuitive signals. “When I was awakening to my intuitive skills, I felt more sensations and emotions than I initially saw or heard,” said Hathcock. “Chills were, and still are, a very strong intuitive signal for me. Mainly, they alert me to the truth.”
Highly intuitive people like Hathcock say miracles happen all around us. It’s up to us to recognize our intuitive voice and listen to the messages our brains and bodies are telling us that can lead us to them. FBN
By Bonnie Stevens, FBN
To hear Hathcock’s fascinating transformational journey and how her intuitive skills freed her from a dangerous situation and also saved the life of a New York City private detective, watch my interview with Kiersten Hathcock on “Zonie Living: Business, Adventure and Leadership” at StarWorldWideNetworks.com Her memoir, “Little Voices – How Kids in Spirit Helped a Reluctant Medium Escape and Heal from Abuse,” is available through Amazon and at stores like Target and Walmart. For more information, visit modmomfurniture.com.
Bonnie Stevens is a public relations consultant. She can be reached at bonnie.stevens@gmail.com.