Ignoring the symptoms can, in the worst case, lead to amputation, but most people don’t ignore such severe problems.
Why Be Concerned About Poor Circulation?
Poor circulation can definitely cause symptoms such as cramping or pain, but it also is an indicator that there might be blockages in important arteries such as those in the heart or going to the brain. Blockages in those vessels can cause heart attacks or strokes so we always screen our patients for arterial disease elsewhere, aiming to catch those potential problems before they become apparent.
What Can Happen When Symptoms are Ignored?
Ignoring the symptoms can, in the worst case, lead to amputation, but most people don’t ignore such severe problems. What I see more often is patients with symptoms that they underestimate, problems that keep them from walking as much as they would like or participating in activities that they enjoy. They begin to think those symptoms are just part of getting older. I’d love to be able to tell all those people that there are options for treatment, options to make them feel better, options that are minimally invasive with very little downtime. It’s heartbreaking to see patients who have suffered unnecessarily for years when we have such good treatment options now.
How is it Treated?
Treatment options vary from walking and exercise programs to outpatient procedures we can do in the office to bypasses or other surgical procedures that require hospitalization. Thankfully, almost everyone qualifies for the non-hospital options first. In these procedures, we make one poke-hole into the artery and through it are able to take a detailed X-ray to visualize the blood flow and blockages. Through that same small poke-hole, we can treat those blockages with techniques using balloons or devices that break down and remove the plaque.
What Can Be Expected After Treatment?
The beauty of improving circulation is that results are apparent very quickly. People can feel the difference with less pain, less fatigue and some say they even have more energy. People don’t realize how suffering can mentally wear them down, almost cause depression. Getting relief is like lifting a weight off someone’s shoulders. They feel better mentally and physically, and get back to enjoying things they had been avoiding. It’s really rewarding to help people like that. FBN
By Grant Fankhauser, M.D.
Dr. Grant Fankhauser is double board-certified in vascular surgery and general surgery. He can be reached at CiC Flagstaff, 928-719-7400 or ciccenters.com.