Acupuncture not only treats the symptoms but evaluates and treats the root cause of any imbalance by treating it naturally without harm.
Acupuncture meridians are energy channels in the body that can become blocked or congested, resulting in energetic imbalances in the body, resulting in symptoms. Placing hair-thin acupuncture needles in specific points in the body, scalp and ears promotes the release of natural endorphins and works at the hypothalamus pituitary axis to balance hormones, promote blood flow, reduce pain and improve mobility and function.
Here are common questions I hear about acupuncture:
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
No. Some points may be more tender or more sensitive than others and some practitioners like to stimulate the points to move the Qi (energy), which may be uncomfortable for some. Generally, the tips of the needles are rounded, meant to part the skin, not puncture it. With a gentle approach, the experience can be quite relaxing.
How Does It Work?
After assessing the patient’s symptoms, tongue and pulse presentation, certain point combinations are chosen to help balance the imbalances in the body. Inserting the needle in the point stimulates the flow of Qi energy to move through the channels/meridians, having a balancing effect and releasing the natural endorphins to make you feel better.
What Does it Treat?
Acupuncture can treat anything and everything:
- Pain: Lower back pain, knee pain, neck pain, headaches, muscle pain, bone pain, arthritis.
- Hormone imbalances and emotions: PMS, irregular cycles, fertility, perimenopause, menopause hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and andropause symptoms (male menopause), fatigue, weight challenges, low libido, low mood, anxiety, stress, tension, depression, low motivation, not feeling like yourself.
- Immune system and allergies: Seasonal or year-round allergies, cough, asthma, sinus congestion, frequent colds and flu.
- Digestive issues: acid reflux, nausea, gas/bloating, constipation, irregular stools.
- Stress: anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, mind fog, back and neck tension.
- Skin issues: rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne and wrinkle prevention.
Who Can Benefit?
People of any age and stage of life can benefit. Acupuncture can be done on newborns, infants, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. It can also be done on dogs, cats and horses.
What Modalities Can Be Used?
The nice thing about acupuncture is that it is very complementary with conventional and natural medicine modalities such as chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, homeopathy and energy work. I often combine cupping (the use of glass cups to break up stagnation and fascial tissue), moxibustion (a Chinese herb we use to warm the acupuncture points) herbal treatments, red light therapy, far infrared heat, naturopathic medicine and aesthetic treatments to balance the whole person. Acupuncture not only treats the symptoms but evaluates and treats the root cause of any imbalance by treating it naturally without harm. The desired result is focusing on optimizing health outcomes naturally while striving to do what is best for promoting balance and optimal health in patients.
What Happens After a Treatment?
During the session, you should feel relaxed and calm. People respond differently to the session. Usually, it makes you nice and relaxed, or you could feel energized. Some people may also have emotional releases as the energy becomes less blocked. If you had pain, it should be reduced. You should feel looser and have a better range of motion. The effects of the treatment usually last two days to one week. Often, a series of acupuncture may be necessary to balance what is out of balance.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
People respond differently to acupuncture. Some may need just one or two sessions, others may require several sessions to get full relief from symptoms. It is often like peeling the layers away, like an onion. It can take time to balance things that have been out of balance for some time. For acute conditions, usually one to two treatments per week may be necessary to get relief. For chronic issues, it may take six to 12 sessions or more. Once patients are feeling better, they often come in for acupuncture tune-ups when they need it. Some come weekly, two times per month or one time per month for maintenance. It is essential to develop a treatment plan that focuses on health outcomes that are lasting. FBN
By Christina Kovalik NMD, Lac
Dr. Christina Kovalik NMD, LAc, The Vitality Doctor, is a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist specializing in hormone optimization, optimal health and vitality. She is a new Flagstaff resident, practicing since 2004, and opened her second location in Doney Park in 2020. For more information, visit or call 928-863-6086.