Apr. 18 at 6 p.m. The process of getting a website sometimes feels like a huge task for a small business owner to conquer. The first step is to understand what it takes to get a website. This lecture will outline these steps with helpful tips, some cost concepts, and will help you understand what you will have to do to make this happen. Then, the group will discuss what it takes to be successful in maintaining your site over time. Questions? Contact 928-526-6991 or info@flagtechtalk.com. … [Read more...] about Getting and Maintaining a Website
Technology Security Tips
Jan. 17 Flag Tech Talk Kickstand Cafe, 6 p.m. Basic Security Tips to Keep You Safe Presented by Joe Bodin of Flagstaff Central.com, This month, Flag Tech Talk is going to be Flag Tablet Talk! The iPad started the trend and there are now dozens of tablets out there. What is the big deal? Should I buy one? What do I do with the one I just got for Christmas? We will talk about iPad's versus Android tablets. We will discuss the things tablets do well and not so well. Tablet features, apps, … [Read more...] about Technology Security Tips
Flag Tech Lecture on Internet Safety
Oct. 18 6:00 p.m. Learn some of the most basic ways you can protect yourself on the internet. So many people do things that open themselves up to problems on the web without even knowing it. Today, there are thousands of websites being hacked, security breaches, computer viruses, email scams, and identity theft that frightens people. All of this can be minimized or even prevented by some simple techniques to keep yourself safe. Join us for a discussion on … [Read more...] about Flag Tech Lecture on Internet Safety
FBN recently spoke with Joe Bodin. He is the lead Website Designer and President of Flagstaff Central.com, Inc. His business specializes in website design and internet marketing. Bodin does his work for clients in his home-based office. Not long ago, he started Flag Tech Talk, helping individuals and businesses who want to learn more about technology. 1) Why did you decide to open this type of a business? Bodin: I wish I could say that I was “called” to being a website designer, but … [Read more...] about