Stephanie McKinney is one of those people who, after talking to her for five minutes, you feel you’ve known forever. Effervescent and energetic might be two other ways to describe this dynamic community leader. Her day job is serving as vice president for business development at the National Bank of Arizona, where she helps fit bank products to best aid businesses, individuals and nonprofit organizations. Her other job – volunteer, of course – is helping promote people and businesses in … [Read more...] about Helping Steer Flagstaff’s Future
economic development initiative
Report Released on Sustainable Community Indicators
The much anticipated Sustainable Community Indicators Report has been published by SEDI (Sustainable Economic Development Initiative). The report provides over 100 metrics that demonstrate the integration of sustainability concepts and practices into community culture. Metrics within the report are representative of the three core areas of sustainability: social well-being, economic prosperity, and environmental health. The indicators use data from local public, private, and non-profit … [Read more...] about Report Released on Sustainable Community Indicators
Group Supporting Uranium Mining Moratorium
Just days before the annual celebration of National Public Lands Day, 50 Arizona business associations and small businesses have sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, voicing support for a proposed 20-year moratorium on new uranium mining near Grand Canyon National Park. The state’s national parks, monuments and other public lands they say are “powerful engines of Arizona’s economy.” In a related effort, over 200 small businesses from across Arizona have signed and sent postcards … [Read more...] about Group Supporting Uranium Mining Moratorium
County Employee Workforce Practitioner of the Year
Coconino County Career Center Director Carol Curtis is being recognized with the Workforce Practitioner of the Year award from the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED). Curtis was honored by the AAED at their annual conference in Prescott, Arizona. Curtis has worked for Coconino County for 26 years, with 17 of those years as the Director of the Coconino County Career Center. During her tenure at the Career Center, Curtis was instrumental in providing employment and … [Read more...] about County Employee Workforce Practitioner of the Year
SEDI Appoints New Executive Director
The Sustainable Economic Development Initiative’s (SEDI) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Carol C. Bousquet, AICP as its new Executive Director. Carol’s education and professional experience have been in city and regional planning for the past 30 years. Carol’s training includes a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design and a Master of Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her academic activities include being an adjunct professor and … [Read more...] about SEDI Appoints New Executive Director
Grant Will Benefit Local Economic Development
The Sustainable Economic Development Initiative (SEDI) has received a $15,000 grant from APS. The funding will support engineering and program design for the Northern Arizona Economic Development and Workforce Training Center (NAEDWTC). The NAEDWTC project is a long-term (5 year) effort that, when completed, will provide customized job training and co-location for economic development and workforce training organizations in Northern Arizona. The focus is on training and certification for the … [Read more...] about Grant Will Benefit Local Economic Development
Green Drinks–Networking Opportunity
Mar 3. 5:30-7:00p.m. The Sustainable Economic Development Initiative is hosting Green Drinks, a monthly networking event. Come enjoy food, drinks and conversation with sustainability-minded people interested in green business. In March, EnviroSystems Management will be giving away a local gift certificate and giving a presentation about green business. Food will be provided by Local Alternative Catering. SEDI hosts Green Drinks the first Thursday of every month. Held at the Green Room, 15 N. … [Read more...] about Green Drinks–Networking Opportunity