Here are some common facts about the peptides.
These medications are a hot topic now as a weight loss gem and are heavily sought out by patients who have tried many diets and failed. These medications are very expensive and are limited by insurance coverage unless you are diabetic. These peptides are in such high demand that some diabetic patients have had to wait for their name brand medication to be available. Luckily, there are many compounding pharmacies that create the medication and add B vitamins to help minimize side effects. It is important to have baseline blood tests to see where your health stands to find out if you are a good candidate for GLP-1 peptide therapy.
Here are some common facts about the peptides.
What is a Peptide?
Peptides are smaller versions of proteins, about 50 amino acids or less in size, that signal the body to perform various functions related to gut health, cognition, injury healing, metabolism, inflammation reduction, muscle building and cell recovery. Semaglutide, Liraglutide and Tirzepatide are names of a group of peptides called glucagon-like peptides (GLP-1).
GLP-1 injections work by:
- Delaying how quickly our stomach digests food. This leads to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
- Slowing intestinal motility so you will feel fuller longer after meals.
- Lowering blood sugars by reducing the production of sugar in the liver.
- Stimulating insulin secretion by the pancreas.
Benefits of using GLP-1 peptides for weight loss include:
- Promoting major lipolysis.
- Lowering BMI and accelerating fat loss.
- Reducing inflammation and promoting gut health.
- Lowering HgA1C levels.
- Improving insulin resistance.
- Reducing plaque hemorrhage.
- Helping pancreatic insulin release to lower glucose levels in the bloodstream.
- Lowering the risk of cardio events.
- Improving glycemic control.
- Producing significant weight loss.
- Helping control food cravings and reducing appetite.
- Lowering blood pressure.
What are the Side Effects?
As with most medications, side effects can occur. The severity seems to lessen the longer someone is using the medication. Side effects that you should report to your doctor as soon as possible include:
- Allergic reactions – skin rashes, itching, hives and swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.
- Change in vision.
- Dehydration – increased thirst, dry mouth, feeling faint or lightheaded, headache, dark yellow or brown urine.
- Gallbladder problems – severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever.
- Heart palpitations – rapid, pounding or irregular heartbeat.
- Kidney injury – decrease in the amount of urine or swelling of the ankles, hands or feet.
- Pancreatitis – severe stomach pain that spreads to your back or gets worse after eating or when touched, fever, nausea, vomiting.
- Thyroid cancer – new mass or lump in the neck, pain or trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, hoarseness.
- Side effects that usually do not require medical attention but can be easily remedied, such as:
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Stomach pain
- Vomiting
- Acid Reflux
- Constipation
The bottom line is that GLP-1 peptides are powerful medications used to help thousands of patients that have been unsuccessful with other weight loss programs. It takes time and requires patience. It is a tool that allows you to jump start your metabolism while making lifelong, sustainable changes to the way you eat and the way you move your body. If you choose to go back to your old habits after finishing the program, expect the weight to come back.
If you are considering trying the peptide for weight loss, use caution when deciding who you trust to monitor you. There are also many med spas or clinics that may be offering these peptides to their patients at a lower price. Be aware that they may not be looking out for your best interests, focusing on getting to the root causes to help you keep the weight off or able to manage any side effects that occur. It is important to choose a physician-monitored program that can guide you through the use of the peptide therapy to help you reach your weight-loss goals and maintain that healthy lifestyle safely. FBN
By Christina Kovalik
Dr. Christina Kovalik NMD, LAc, The Vitality Doctor, is a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist specializing in hormone optimization, optimal health and vitality. She is a new Flagstaff resident, practicing since 2004, and opened her second location in Doney Park in 2020. For more information, visit or call 928-863-6086.