Our program at Back2Basics strongly focuses on setting realistic expectations and finding success out of the program.
A successful recovery from drug and alcohol addiction can help you achieve the goals of going back to school, holding a job and starting a family, but it is essential that you understand your limitations and take baby steps to success. Small wins are still wins, and small wins lead to significant victories. Many people in recovery and their families can get too ahead of themselves and putting too much on your plate at once can cause many people to stress out, fall apart and ultimately relapse. Getting to a good point in your sobriety is challenging enough without having to worry about the stresses of a full college class load or a fast-paced job. You need to set yourself up for success and that means taking baby steps on your sober journey.
Our program at Back2Basics strongly focuses on setting realistic expectations and finding success out of the program. When someone first comes into the program, we don’t discuss the future outside of treatment, because initially, the only thing that matters is sobriety. Establish some semblance of sustained sobriety before you start thinking about your other goals. Once you have established that sobriety, start small by giving yourself new responsibilities periodically. Maybe you get a part-time job or take a class or two so you can see how you manage that workload. Once you can successfully manage those new responsibilities, add more. This allows you to manage your sobriety, achieve your goals, and most importantly, will not overwhelm you.
Some people are superhuman and can maintain a high-paced lifestyle that successfully integrates job, family, education and health. However, this level of life management is not the norm for someone who has lived a life with alcohol and drug addiction. The most important part of recovery is ensuring you are mentally and physically healthy and being overwhelmed to the point it leads to relapse is not worth fast-tracking success. Sustained sobriety is an amazing accomplishment by itself, so don’t be afraid to take baby steps to find success in your new sober life. FBN
By Roy DuPrez
Roy DuPrez, M.Ed., is the CEO and founder of Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery in Flagstaff. DuPrez received his B.S. and M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University. Back2Basics helps young men, ages 18 to 35, recover from addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Back2Basics is an adventure recovery program, up to six months, for young adult males ages 18-30 with substance abuse issues looking for a positive and meaningful life. In our program, clients are exposed to a weekly combination of both wilderness adventures and residential programming. For more information, visit back2basicsoutdooradventures.com, call 928-814-2220 or email rduprez@b2badventures.com.