They have a deep understanding of the clients and are very attentive to their issues.
Working with the Community
Back2Basics provides residential and transitional living care for substance abuse and mental health needs for young men aged 18 to 35. Since many of the men end up residing in Flagstaff for a couple of years after completing the program, Back2Basics builds relationships with community business owners. We have lots of community business partners that employ our clients and offer internships. We also provide services for the community such as cleaning up people’s yards and helping with community events.
Many of the young men also intern or work at local businesses while they are in the transitional living program. The men are expected to have a combination of work or school, with community service projects built into the program throughout their entire stay at Back2Basics.
At Back2Basics, our treatment program coordinators and leaders are very dedicated to their work. They have a deep understanding of the clients and are very attentive to their issues. Together, the synergy between the clients and staff helps in the recovery process. The men in the program are open, courageous in sharing their stories, inquisitive and are willing to embrace those around them who are there to guide them through their recovery.
The Importance of Community Service
Community engagement is imperative. One of the main goals of a client’s time with us is to successfully transition back into adult life managing responsibilities associated with it. So, having different communities, including educational and vocational, that they can participate in is vital. Having a sobriety community to connect with helps them stay on their path to recovery.
A Sense of Belonging through Community Engagement
I hope the community can see what an asset they are to the clients that come through Back2Basics. The clients are a great asset to the community once they become healthier and can contribute to give back to the community.
When it comes to the young men in Back2Basics, we hope they get a sense of belonging. A sense they can contribute not only to their own lives but to others in the community and feel connected with the community at large. Often those in addiction feel disconnected with those around them. Being in a small and warm community, like Flagstaff, really aids in that recovery process.
Many young men who have stayed around the Flagstaff area have rented a place to live and are participating in Coconino Community College or attending Northern Arizona University. They are also giving back to the community by mentoring other young men who are working their way through the program.
Back2Basics Builds Community
Our staff at Back2Basics wants to continue helping the community with meaningful service projects or work with employers who are willing to help these young men working their way through the program.
Community engagement is a large part of the Back2Basics program. By reaching out and working with the community, these young men get a feeling of inclusiveness that they may not have felt for a long time. The men in the Back2Basics program are great assets to the Flagstaff community and we will continue striving to build even more relationships in the future. FBN
By Roy DuPrez
Roy DuPrez, M.Ed. is the CEO and founder of Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery in Flagstaff. DuPrez received his B.S. and M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University.
Back2Basics is an adventure recovery program, up to six months, for young adult males ages 18-30 with substance abuse issues looking for a positive and meaningful life. In our program, clients are exposed to a weekly combination of both wilderness adventures and residential programming. For more information, visit, call 928-814-2220 or email