“I just want to say thank you for this good life!” This is how Jill Divine finished her acceptance speech after winning the Literature Award on March 2 in the Flagstaff Cultural Partners Fifth Annual Viola Awards. “I have lots of loves – I love art, poetry, wine and people.” In fact, it is the people factor that got her thinking it was time to open an art gallery – right in the middle of one of the worst recessions in decades. “Writing is a very solitary profession and one reason I … [Read more...] about Divine Calling Serves Inmates and Artists
Lowell Observatory’s Expanding Universe
It's not only with the new Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) that operations are getting bigger at Lowell Observatory. They've also been hiring new staff, revamping the website and expanding outreach activities. A lot of the money to fund the upswing in research activity at the observatory has come through the hard work of its research astronomers, explains Development Manager Rusty Tweed. The funding that those astronomers bring in via research grants form a crucial part of the observatory’s … [Read more...] about Lowell Observatory’s Expanding Universe
The Increasing Popularity of Thrift Stores
In the midst of the season for peak sales at conventional retail outlets and in the current economic climate, you might expect that local thrift stores have been struggling, at least for donations. But a recent poll of thrift store managers across Flagstaff shows that sales are holding up well. Indeed, a quiet revolution is underway in many people’s attitudes towards thrift store shopping. It’s perhaps at Flagstaff’s two most local thrift stores where donations, sales and optimism are … [Read more...] about The Increasing Popularity of Thrift Stores
Partnering for Watchable Wildlife
One of the great advantages of living in Northern Arizona is the chance to see all sorts of wildlife. Now, knowing where you’ll have the best chance to do that in the Flagstaff area should soon be easier. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is developing a new Watchable Wildlife program for the Flagstaff area. Although still in the planning stages, Jessica Gist at AZGFD’s Flagstaff Office is organizing a group of local government agencies and nonprofits working collaboratively to establish … [Read more...] about Partnering for Watchable Wildlife
A New Era for Flagstaff Telecom
Fueled by its takeover of Qwest, Louisiana-based CenturyLink has been growing like wildfire. But in a state that’s had more than enough wildfires recently, will this and Suddenlink’s recent acquisition of NPG Cable mean Flagstaff business and residential telecom customers will get an improvement on speeds of high speed Internet? Up until now, the best most people have been able to get is 10-15Mbps download speeds – if they are lucky. It has been reported nationally that one of CenturyLink’s … [Read more...] about A New Era for Flagstaff Telecom
Green Energy Generators Reducing Wildlife Collisions
Almost everyone wants to see more renewable power generation, but the compromise between conservationists and power companies can be an uneasy one. Just recently, a prairie dog colony was evicted from a site in East Flagstaff, while turbines at the pending wind power generation site near Williams may kill birds and bats, as well as displace other wildlife. What can be done to reduce impacts of renewable power generation on wildlife? “Solar energy in itself is not unique in terms of impacts on … [Read more...] about Green Energy Generators Reducing Wildlife Collisions
Region Escaping Worst of Equine Virus
The recent outbreak of equine herpes across a number of western states, including Arizona, could not have come at a worse time in the season, according to Northern Arizona veterinarian Dr. Jim Maciulla. He explains that the scare over the virus happened during the middle of a series of major horse shows, rodeos and roping competitions. “The horse industry has been hit hard by the recession anyway,” Maciulla said. “This virus has not helped – it’s created a lot of uncertainty.” While the … [Read more...] about Region Escaping Worst of Equine Virus
International Tourists Hungry For Route 66 Nostalgia
The Eaglerider store on west Route 66 has not been open long – but their Harley Davidson motorcycle rentals have bookings months in advance. A Harley rider for 33 years, store manager Jim Enenkel has been running things there for just a few months – and has come in handy that he is originally from Germany. Enenkel says that around 40 percent of his customers are from Europe – particularly Germans, a percentage that is growing. Many of his one-day rental customers take a Harley day trip on an … [Read more...] about International Tourists Hungry For Route 66 Nostalgia
Revolutionary Road for Rangelands
We often take the landscapes around us and those who manage them for granted. But as resources become scarcer, they become more valued. Hence, the growing interest in Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). PES offers financial incentives to farmers or landowners to manage their land to provide an ecological service. And it’s a topic important enough for the United Nations – in 2005, they commissioned the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, which identified specific environmental services: crops, … [Read more...] about Revolutionary Road for Rangelands
The Outlook for Pine Canyon
There has been little in the news about the prestigious Pine Canyon development on the southern edge of Flagstaff since the developer, Lonetree Investments Inc., declared bankruptcy in September. Yet, security guards still staff the entrance gates and the adjacent realty office is still open for sales. A springtime drive around the development reveals beautifully crafted large mountain chalet-style rock-log mini-mansions. The golf course looks immaculate and a late spring snowfall has been … [Read more...] about The Outlook for Pine Canyon