If people learn they can feel good without drugs or alcohol, they are less likely to abuse those substances.
A bad diet is the common experience of many people struggling with addiction. They may eat too much or they may not eat enough, but either way, addiction prevents people from practicing proper nutrition. That lack of good nutritional habits is why diet is such a big focus in recovery. Many people struggling with addiction have gone years without a proper diet. They may eat fast food frequently or eat very little because that is the cheap and convenient option. Addiction makes it hard to take care of yourself across the board, so it is not surprising that proper nutrition would fall by the wayside as well. When people are starting in recovery, it is important to instill in them the importance of a proper diet.
One of the most important aspects of diet in recovery is the discipline it instills in a person. Shopping for, prepping and cooking healthy meals requires a lot of effort and discipline that many people dealing with addiction lack. It takes effort to expose yourself to healthy lifestyles, which is why a good addiction recovery program will provide a platform for you to buy and be exposed to a healthy diet and give you tools to sustain a healthy diet.
A good diet is a holistic tool to benefit your recovery. It shows people in recovery what a normal, balanced lifestyle looks like and what it takes to maintain it. It also helps set realistic expectations and helps slow down the hectic nature of recovery by teaching them a life skill they can always apply. Introducing someone in recovery to a healthy lifestyle is a great first step to long-term sober success.
The more obvious benefit of eating a healthy diet during recovery is that it makes you feel better. Everyone is impacted by poor eating, and you will be even more negatively impacted if you eat poorly and struggle with addiction. A good diet clears the mind, promotes good gut health, and makes a person feel better overall. It is liberating to feel good and be healthy after years of addiction put someone in poor health. If people learn they can feel good without drugs or alcohol, they are less likely to abuse those substances.
A healthy diet is an excellent first step to promoting a healthy lifestyle in recovery. Following a healthy diet will make a person in recovery feel physically and mentally better while also giving them an opportunity to learn essential life skills. Teaching a person how to maintain a healthy diet is a boon to their recovery. FBN
By Roy DuPrez
Roy DuPrez, M.Ed. is the CEO and founder of Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery in Flagstaff. DuPrez received his B.S. and M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University.
Back2Basics is an adventure recovery program, up to six months, for young adult males ages 18-30 with substance abuse issues looking for a positive and meaningful life. Clients are exposed to a weekly combination of both wilderness adventures and residential programming. For more information, visit back2basicsoutdooradventures.com, call 928-814-2220 or email rduprez@b2badventures.com.