Should municipal governments offer tax breaks to some? Recently, the Flagstaff City Council turned down a tax incentive proposal for a local car dealer. Scott Baugh, who owns Planet Nissan Subaru Jeep, would have received a four-year tax rebate in exchange for bringing a Chrysler-Dodge dealership back to Flagstaff. Flagstaff Business News asked some experts to address the controversial issue of tax incentives and the role of municipal governments. “Local government does not have a vast … [Read more...] about Leveling the Tax Break Playing Field
Southwest Windpower Opening Office Near Denver
Southwest Windpower, the world’s leading manufacturer of distributed generation wind turbines, announced today the opening of an additional location in Broomfield, Colo., outside of Denver. The Flagstaff, Ariz.-based company is opening the additional facility to focus on development of a wind testing site and commercial sales. The new office is part of the company’s shift toward providing renewable energy systems worldwide for commercial and industrial markets such as telecommunications, … [Read more...] about Southwest Windpower Opening Office Near Denver
Helping Steer Flagstaff’s Future
Stephanie McKinney is one of those people who, after talking to her for five minutes, you feel you’ve known forever. Effervescent and energetic might be two other ways to describe this dynamic community leader. Her day job is serving as vice president for business development at the National Bank of Arizona, where she helps fit bank products to best aid businesses, individuals and nonprofit organizations. Her other job – volunteer, of course – is helping promote people and businesses in … [Read more...] about Helping Steer Flagstaff’s Future
Sawmill Bringing New Levels of Retail to Flagstaff
Momentum to complete Aspen Place at Sawmill is going strong, although it might have a different look than originally planned. It will still have a vibrant business district, but instead of a residential district of single-family homes, townhouses and condos, there will be a student housing project, called The Grove at Flagstaff. Elaine Averitt, a planner for the city, said the developer, Campus Crest, plans 10 buildings, all four stories, except for one three-story building. There will be … [Read more...] about Sawmill Bringing New Levels of Retail to Flagstaff
Business Neutralizing Rattlesnake and Scorpion Venom
According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Arizona is home to the most dangerous rattlesnakes, spiders, lizards, and scorpions in the nation. So it is appropriate that researcher and veterinarian Dr. Craig Woods of BioVeteria Life Sciences chose Prescott as the home of his new business venture. BioVeteria is a new bioscience company that is developing neutralizers for rattlesnake and scorpion venom for our animal friends. “We estimate there are about 7,000 rattlesnake bites in humans … [Read more...] about Business Neutralizing Rattlesnake and Scorpion Venom
Strategies for Success Workshop
Oct. 27 "E-Newsletters - Marketing Magic or a Waste of Time?" presented by Mary Cravets. These educational workshops help in personal and/or professional development and enhancement. Topics vary from month to month. Lunch is included in the cost ($15 for members and $20 for non-members). The program begins at 11:45 a.m. and usually runs until 1:15 p.m. We ask that attendees arrive around 11:30 a.m. to serve lunch and get seated. Workshops are held at the Sedona-Verde Valley Board of Realtors … [Read more...] about Strategies for Success Workshop
Solar Power Projects Illuminating Northern Arizona
Last year, Arizonans received 26 percent more megawatt hours of renewable energy than the previous year, reported APS to the Arizona Corporation Commission in May. That was enough to surpass Arizona’s renewable energy goals – set by the Arizona Corporation Commission – for the third straight year. To help reach aggressive future goals, APS is spending about $500 million to build new photovoltaic (PV) solar plants located across Arizona. One of those solar facilities was just approved by the … [Read more...] about Solar Power Projects Illuminating Northern Arizona
Presidio Development Moving Forward
At Flagstaff City Council’s noon meeting Tuesday, councilmembers voted to approve the Presidio in the Pines Surety Completion Agreement — an accord with the Phoenix-based American Contractors Indemnity Company (ACIC), which will complete work on the development as promised to the city in 2004. Sized at 91 acres, Presidio in the Pines is a mixed-use development on S. Woody Mountain Rd. on Flagstaff’s west side. In 2004, the city reached an agreement with Premiere Acquisitions that would allow … [Read more...] about Presidio Development Moving Forward
Lack of Pre-Developed Land Thwarting Relocation
Businesses looking to relocate to Flagstaff cannot find developed land that adequately meets their needs. “We are seeing interests out of California. One of the challenges right out of the gate is that we don’t have enough pre-developed land for them,” said Rich Bowen, president and CEO of Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA). “We hear, ‘We want to come, but we need to move into a preexisting building.’ They don’t have the two years that it would take to build such a building – … [Read more...] about Lack of Pre-Developed Land Thwarting Relocation
County Employee Workforce Practitioner of the Year
Coconino County Career Center Director Carol Curtis is being recognized with the Workforce Practitioner of the Year award from the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED). Curtis was honored by the AAED at their annual conference in Prescott, Arizona. Curtis has worked for Coconino County for 26 years, with 17 of those years as the Director of the Coconino County Career Center. During her tenure at the Career Center, Curtis was instrumental in providing employment and … [Read more...] about County Employee Workforce Practitioner of the Year